Error Memory | 4
Bosch Motorsport
11 / 148
2 (at least one active error present in memory):
MIL blinking orange
Blinking orange border
Info cycling through
errors present in
error memory
4.2.2 Error Properties
The following channels are recognized and memorized inside the devices:
– Error type (device label “error_type_rotate”):
e.g. “below_threshold” for a violation of the minimum voltage range defined in the
configuration, “shortcut_Batt” for a shortcut to battery voltage etc.
– Error locations (device label “error_location_rotate”):
e.g. “ANA01” for an error concerning the first ANA channel
– Error durations
How long has the error been active? If an error encounters a non-active period before
being cleared from the memory and is then detected again, the error duration keeps
on accumulating. The number of active periods can be seen from the “number of oc-
– Number of occurrences
How many times has the error been detected since the last time the error memory
was cleared.
– Error active state (device label “error_active_rotate”)
All failure modes are continuously diagnosed; any error detected will be written to the
error memory. Once an error is detected, it is qualified as “active”.
– 1 (TRUE) Error was detected in most recent diagnose run (active)