Starting up | 9
Bosch Motorsport
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9 Starting up
9.1 Before starting
Install the software required for the operation of the DDU 9 . It is developed for Windows
system software. The following software versions are used in this manual:
– DDU 9 setup, configuration and calibration: RaceCon Version 2.6.
– Measurement data analysis: WinDarab V7
Set up the 100 Mbit ethernet connection to the DDU 9.
– The ethernet port has “cable auto crossover” functionality
9.1.1 Starting the unit
The DDU 9 powers up by turning on the ignition of the car. At startup the DDU 9 will dis-
play a Bosch logo.
After a moment the DDU 9 shows a display element screen.
9.1.2 Connecting the unit to RaceCon
For testing new device configurations, you can connect the device to your computer via
MSA-Box or ethernet cable.
Connection via MSA-Box
Reassure that the MSA-Box is installed properly on your computer. If needed, down-
load the MSA-Box Diver from www.bosch-motorsport.com.
Connect an ethernet line of the device to the ethernet line of the MSA-Box.
Please note, that the MSA-Box also requires power supply on the MSA-Box connector
of your wiring loom.
Open RaceCon and connect the MSA-Box to the computer.
In the ‘Info / Status’ Box of RaceCon you will receive messages that the connection
was successful.
Reassure that the device is switched on.
‘Link LED’ at the computer’s network adapter will illuminate.
If the LED is off, check the wiring harness.
After you created a RaceCon project with the device, the status icon of the device will
switch from grey to one of the following colors: red, orange, green. For further in-
formation on how to set up a project, see the chapter “Setting up a new RaceCon Pro-
ject [
24]”. For the status color, see chapter “Color indication”.