Service Manual Miditron
/ ID 1997491 / MJ / 1.0 - June 1998 / Page 64
10. Electronics
LED-control, Registration of counts
has 3 LEDs for the control and
monitoring of the motor belt drive cross transport and the
motor measuring head unit. The LEDs are connected to the
PCB Main via plugs. The LEDS are:
- plug (15) LED measuring head home position; it
determines the home position of the measuring head.
- plug (13) LED reference position; it is used as reference
position for the movement of the measuring head.
- plug (14) LED home position; it determines the home
position of the cross transport.
The timing to control the LEDs and to measure the initial
frequency of the U/f-converter on the analog board is
realized via 4 counters (three settable via SW) by
partitioning the initial frequency of the micro controller.
Motor control measuring head drive
The motor measuring head drive is connected to the PCB
Main via a plug (12). The 2 phases step motor is contacted
with a driving component. This component has 6 inputs
which can be contacted from the micro controller.
A total, half and micro step use is realized by a
corresponding contact. The motor realizes 8 steps when
used with half steps.
Motor control motor belt drive cross transport
The motor belt drive cross transport is connected to the
PCB Main via a plug (11). The DC-motor is contacted via a
driving component,. This component contains a transistor
full bridge. Therefore, a 4 quadrant use is possible when
contacted correspondingly by the micro control.
Fig. 19
Fig. 19