Instruction Manual
The AQT-RCS Administration page provides the ability for an operator to change the IP as well as User name and Password
settings for the unit.
The Administration may only be accessed by typing the URL of the AQT-RCS followed by a forward slash and Admin.htm, for
The Administration page is a hidden web page to prevent unwanted modifications to the critical IP User name and
Password settings. It may only be accessed by using the Administrator logon.
AQT-RCS Administration Page
Display Only Fields:
Serial #
: Serial number of the AQT-Remote Configuration Server
Firmware Rev
: Displays the revision of firmware, may be used for troubleshooting purposes
MAC Address:
Media Access Control Address is a hardware address that uniquely identifies an AQT-RCS on a network
Editable Fields:
IP Address:
IP Address of the AQT-RCS, Default IP Address is
Subnet Mask:
A mask used to determine which subnet an IP Address belongs to, Default subnet mask is
Default Gateway:
IP Address of a node (router) on the network that serves an access point to another network,
Default gateway is
Admin ID
: Case sensitive user identification for Administrative access and privileges, Default Admin ID is 'Admin'
Admin Password
: Case sensitive password for Administrative access and privileges, Default Admin Password is 'pass'.
The 'password' field CAN NOT be left blank. If it is left blank, the unit must be reset using 'Temporary
Hardware Admin Default Reset' on page 15.
View ID
: Case sensitive user identification for view only and privileges, Default View ID is 'Guest'
View Password
: Case sensitive password for view only and privileges, Default View Password is 'pass'. The 'password' field
CAN NOT be left blank. If it is left blank, the unit must be reset using 'Temporary Hardware Admin Default
Reset' on page 15.
: Case sensitive user identification for file transfer protocol (FTP) access, Default FTP ID is 'FTP'
FTP Password
: Case sensitive password for file transfer protocol (FTP) access and privileges, Default FTP Password is 'pass'.
The 'password' field CAN NOT be left blank. If it is left blank, the unit must be reset using 'Temporary
Hardware Admin Default Reset' on page 15.
Factory Defaults Button
- Resets the AQT-RCS back to factory default settings and deletes all stored configurations, IP
addresses and identifications stored
Reset Unit Button
- Press the Reset Unit button to perform a warm power reset of the AQT-RCS unit. Refresh the page on
your web browser to continue.
Cancel Button
- Does not apply changes made to the AQT-RCS Administration page and resets the values to the previously
saved state
Save Button
- Applies and saves the current AQT-RCS network settings, user identifications and passwords to non-volatile memory
Fields cannot be left blank.
Passwords must be entered.