Playback Image
Here you can search and play the image. Please follow the steps listed below.
Step 1
From main menu->Search, or on the preview window right click mouse and then
click Search, you can go to the search interface.
Step 2
At the top right corner, select image and then input playback interval.
Step 3
Select date and channel, click
to play.
The blue highlighted date means there is picture or file. Otherwise, there is no picture or file.
In any play mode, click the date you want to see, you can see the corresponding record file
trace in the time bar.
Playback mode and channel selection pane
Playback mode:1/4/9/16. (It may vary due to different models.)
In 1-window playback mode: you can select 1-X channels (X depends on the product
channel amount).
In 4-window playback mode: you can select 4 channels according to your requirement.
In 9-window playback mode, you can switch between 1-8, channels.
The time bar will change once you modify the playback mode or the channel option.
Card number search
The card number search interface is shown as below. Here you can view card number/field
setup bar. You can implement advanced search.
Current series product supports this
Mark file list button
Click it to go to mark file list interface. Refer to chapter
Smart Search Playback
detailed information.