Input a starting and ending time for the time period.
Select one or more record types for the desired period.
It’s possible to config up to six different periods per day.
At the bottom select the desired days for that period. Note: The day that was selected
on step 2 is mandatory, to exclude it go back and select a different day at step 2.
When it’s done click “Ok” to complete the setup of working period.
This will config only the recording schedule for the NVR. It’s possible to have other
recording schedules for each camera for video recordings on the SD-Card or FTP/NAS that
will work independently.
Click next to continue to the Camera Configuration.
After the schedules set, the cameras will record according to the period have set.
For example, the alarm motion period is from 6:00
18:00 Monday, camera will record
any motion detection during the 6:00
For the NVR to record MD (motion detect) or MD&Alarm its mandatory to have motion
detection enabled on the desired camera channel. Please refer to menu XXXXXX to learn
how to activate motion detection for the camera camera.
For the NVR to record Alarm or MD&Alarm it’s mandatory to have alarm settings
configured. Refer to menu XXXXXX to learn how to activate alarm detection for the
camera camera.
To change any configuration for this menu later on is possible to access this
menu from Main menu->Setting->Storage->Schedule->Record
Cameras Snapshot Recording
For snapshots recording click the “snapshots” tab and follow the same steps as for video
recording explained on chapter 4.8.1 Cameras Video Recording