Click the pencil icon to open the quick connection setting for the camera:
Cam Name:
Write the name for the camera (E.g. B30-Front Door). When
streaming or recording this name will be displayed on the bottom left.
IP Address:
Camera IP Address.
User Name:
Camera default username is “admin”. Don’t change it unless you
have created other username on the camera.
Re-write the password field with the password from that camera.
Then click “Connect”.
Channel Nº:
Input channel amount or click the Connect button to get the
channel amount of the remote device.
Remote channel No.:
After getting the remote device channel amount, click
Setup to select a channel.
Decode buffer:
There are three items: realtime, local, fluent.
If the password is correct the Camera will be connected to the NVR and the status will
change to green (the Status change to green takes around 1 minute). Do the same
with all the cameras.