DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) is to dynamically refresh the DNS domain name and
IP address if the device IP address has changed frequently. The user can use the domain to
access the device.
Before the operation, make sure the device supports DNS type and go to the DDNS service
provider website to register the domain name via the PC.
After you successfully registered and logged in the DDNS website, you can view all
connected device information of current login user.
DDNS setup interface is shown as bellow.
Quick DDNS is www.quickddns.com.
Dyndns DDNS is members.dyndns.org.
NO-IP DDNS is dynupdate.no-ip.com.
CN99 DDNS is members.3322.org.
Domain: The domain name registered on the DDNS service provider website.
User name/password: Input the user name and password got from the DDNS service
provider. Make sure you have logged in the DDNS service provider website to register an
account (user name and password).
Interval: After DDNS boots up, it sends out refresh query regularly. The unit is minute.
Click Apply or Save to complete setup. Open a browser and input domain name, click Enter
The setting is right if you can view device WEB interface. Otherwise, please check the