Retrieving clip count
The "clips count" command returns the number of clips on the current timeline:
clips count
The server responds with the number of clips:
214 clips count:
clip count: {Count}
Retrieving timeline information
The “clips get” command returns information for each available clip, for a given range in timecode,
on the current timeline. Without parameters, the command returns information for all clips on timeline:
clips get
The server responds with a list of clip IDs, names and timecodes:
205 clips info:
clip count: {Count}
{Clip ID}: {Name} {Start timecode} {Duration timecode}
{Clip ID}: {Name} {Start timecode} {Duration timecode}
Note that the clip list format has changed incompatibly in protocol version 1.1,
i.e., Start timecode information field is inserted to each clip information line.
Retrieving transport information
The “transport info” command returns the state of the transport:
transport info
The server responds with transport specific information:
208 transport info:
status: {“preview”, “stopped”, “play”, “forward”, “rewind”,
“jog”, “shuttle”,”record”}
speed: {Play speed between -1600 and 1600 %}
slot id: {Slot ID or “none”}
display timecode: {timecode}
timecode: {timecode}
clip id: {Clip ID or “none”}
video format: {Video format}
loop: {“true”, “false”}
The “timecode” value is the timecode within the current timeline for playback or the clip for record. The
“display timecode” is the timecode displayed on the front of the deck. The two timecodes will differ in some
deck modes.
Asynchronous transport information change notification is disabled by default and may be configured with
the “notify” command. When enabled, changes in transport state will generate a “508 transport info:”
asynchronous message with the same parameters as the “208 transport info:” message.