Text underneath the progress bar will display either the storage space remaining or the status
of the slot.
Capacity remaining
When your CFast card or drive has space remaining, the duration available will be
displayed in hours:minutes:seconds based on the current source format and your
chosen codec and quality settings. If there is less than an hour left, it will display
minutes:seconds remaining only.
If a valid source is not detected, the available storage remaining on the media will
display in gigabytes or terabytes.
Slot status
‘No card’ and ‘no drive’ will display if there is no media connected to that drive slot.
Once a CFast card or external disk is full, the icon will display ‘card full’ or ‘drive full’
so you know it’s time to swap out the storage media. If you have another CFast card
inserted, the recording will automatically spill over and start recording onto it. If you
have an external disk connected, the recording will spill over when the second CFast
card is full.
A locked drive will be shown with ‘locked’ under the progress bar.
If you see ‘blocked’ display underneath the progress bar, this means you are unable to
play or record to that media. To resume playback or recording on that CFast card or
drive, eject it and reconnect. The CFast card or ext disk will now be available.
Active storage media
When using HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR, you can connect up to 2 CFast cards and 5 ext
drives at once. This means you can access terabytes of recording space all from the one
HyperDeck Extreme disk recorder!
If you only have a single drive or CFast card connected, it is your active media for all playback
and recording.
If you are using more than one card or drive, you can select which one you want to use for
recording and playback.
To select your active media:
Tap on the drive icon area in the bottom screen.
In the storage media window, three large icons will appear. Tap on the drive you want
to make active. In playback mode the active drive will appear blue. In record mode the
active drive will be red.