The setup tab provides access to network, timecode and reference settings as well as your
audio meters.
Setup Page 1
Add your HyperDeck Name and network settings on the Setup tab
HyperDeck Name
Change the name of the unit by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the name.
It can be especially useful to name your device when you have more than one
HyperDeck Extreme 8K HDR on your network for easy identification. The name is also
displayed on the SDI Monitor out too.
Date and Time
Set your date and time by clicking on the pencil icon. The date edit screen will appear.
Use the arrows to change your date and time
Tap the arrows either side of each setting to select your year, month and day. Repeat
the process to set your hour, minute and time zone. Press update to save the settings.
Displays the current software version.