Storage Indicators
The status of the storage media slots can be seen on the bottom toolbar of the main display.
These icons display the number, name, progress and status the CFast slots and active external
disk drive.
Drives ‘1’ and ‘2’ show the two CFast card slots on the front panel. Drive ‘3’ shows the status of
the external drive connected via the ‘ext disk’ USB-C port on the rear.
If you are using a drive hub you can connect multiple drives via the ‘ext disk’
connector on the rear. In this case the third drive icon will only display the active drive.
The text to the right of the number is the name of the CFast card or ext disk. This will be the
name you selected when formatting the storage and is especially helpful if you are using the
Blackmagic MultiDock in order to make sure you are playing or recording to the correct drive!
Progress Bar
The bar icon will be either blue, white or red depending on its current status. The intensity of
the color will also display the used space on the card.
The blue drive icon indicates the active drive. If you press play, playback
will start from this drive, if you want to record video, it will be to this drive.
A white drive icon indicates there is a CFast card or ext disk connected,
but not active. A solid white icon indicates the drive is full.
The bar will be red during recording.