Failure response codes
Failure responses to commands are indicated with response codes in the range of 100 to 199:
100 syntax error
101 unsupported parameter
102 invalid value
103 unsupported
104 disk full
105 no disk
106 disk error
107 timeline empty
108 internal error
109 out of range
110 no input
111 remote control disabled
120 connection rejected
150 invalid state
151 invalid codec
160 invalid format
161 invalid token
162 format not prepared
Asynchronous response codes
The server may return asynchronous messages at any time. These responses are indicated with response
codes in the range of 500 to 599:
5xx {Response Text}:
{Parameter}: {Value}
{Parameter}: {Value}
Connection response
On connection, an asynchronous message will be delivered:
500 connection info:
protocol version: {Version}
model: {Model Name}
Connection rejection
Only one client may connect to the server at a time. If other clients attempt to connect concurrently,
they will receive an error and be disconnected:
120 connection rejected
Timecode syntax
Timecodes are expressed as non-drop-frame timecode in the format: