Clip Name and Transport Status
During playback only the top and bottom toolbars will be in view. When playback is paused or
you are playing at greater than real time speed, the transport status will appear on the top right
hand side of the display. The clip name will be visible on the top left of the display so you can
see at a quick glance exactly what is playing and its transport status.
The clip name and transport status can be hidden from the display by setting the clean feed to
‘on’ in the monitor menu or by swiping the display up or down to remove the lower menu bar
out of view. For more information on clean feed, see the ‘monitor’ settings section later in
this manual.
Swipe the display up or down to remove the lower toolbar and timeline
Touch and Swipe Controls
You can also use touch and swipe gestures to jog through your clip for precision control over
playback down to the frame!
Tap on the timeline and the playhead will immediately move to the location of your finger.
To scrub through the footage, drag the playhead to the left and right along the timeline.
The playhead will move to the location of your finger.
For precision jog movements, simply swipe your finger on the video above the timeline and
below the top toolbar. The speed adjusts to your momentum, meaning the faster you swipe,
the faster the playhead will move!
Swipe left of right for precision control