Display LUTs can be applied for the LCD display as well as the SDI monitor out. To view a LUT
you first need to select your active LUT. In the LUT menu, tap on the LUT you want to use, it will
highlight blue. Tap the tick icon at the bottom. A vertical blue line will appear to the left of the
LUT name to confirm the LUT is active.
You can now press the ‘3DLUT’ button on the front of the panel to display the selected LUT.
The button will illuminate when selected. Press the button again to toggle it off.
You can also toggle the display LUT on the LCD and Monitor SDI via the ‘Monitor’
tab in the touchscreen menu. For more information, see the ‘monitor’ settings in the
dashboard manual
You are not limited to using the preloaded display LUTs either, you can import or
export your own!
To import a LUT:
On the LUTS tab, tap on the double head arrow icon at the bottom center of the display.
Under manage LUT, tap on ‘import LUT’.
Select the storage media where the LUT is located and tap ‘import’.
Select the location of your stored LUT and tap import.
Tap on the LUT you want to import followed by ‘import’. A progress screen will let you
know the LUT is importing. Once done, the LUT will appear in the list.