Command Description
clips get: version: {1/2}
query clip info using specified output version:
version 1: id: name startT duration
version 2: id: startT duration inT outT name
clips add: name: {name}
append a clip to timeline
clips add: clip id: {n} name: {name}
insert clip before existing clip {n}
clips add: in: {inT} out: {outT} name:
append the {inT} to {outT} portion of clip
clips remove: clip id: {n}
remove clip {n} from the timeline
clips clear
empty timeline clip list
transport info
query current activity
slot info
query active slot
slot info: slot id: {n}
query slot {n}
slot select: slot id: {n}
switch to specified slot
slot select: video format: {format}
load clips of specified format
cache info
query cache status
dynamic range
query dynamic range
dynamic range: playback override:
set playback dynamic range override
query notification status
notify: remote: {true/false}
set remote notifications
notify: transport: {true/false}
set transport notifications
notify: slot: {true/false}
set slot notifications
notify: configuration: {true/false}
set configuration notifications
notify: dropped frames: {true/false}
set dropped frames notifications
notify: display timecode: {true/false}
set display timecode notifications
notify: timeline position: {true/false}
set playback timeline position notifications
notify: playrange: {true/false}
set playrange notifications
notify: cache: {true/false}
set cache notifications
notify: dynamic range: {true/false}
set dynamic range notifications for input or playback video
goto: clip id: {n}
goto clip id {n}
goto: clip id: +{n}
go forward {n} clips
goto: clip id: -{n}
go backward {n} clips
goto: clip: {start/end}
goto start or end of clip
goto: clip: {n}
go forward {n} frames within current clip
goto: clip: +{n}
go forward {n} frames within current clip
goto: clip: -{n}
go backward {n} clips
goto: timeline: {start/end}
goto start or end of timeline