Send service books to your device. If you have a device with BlackBerry® Connect™ software, you might need to delete old service books
from the device before you send new service books. For more information, see the user guide for your device.
Verify that your email account is set to leave email messages on the messaging server. For more information, view the online help for your
email account.
Verify whether you need to turn on access to the IMAP or POP web site for your email account. For more information, contact your email
service provider.
If you created email message filters for your BlackBerry email account, verify that these email message filters are not preventing the
BlackBerry® Internet Service from delivering email messages to your device.
I cannot download the body of an email message that I received
Depending on your messaging service plan, this feature might not be supported.
If you create an email message filter for yourBlackBerry® email address and you specify the Header only option, you cannot download the body
of the email message at a later time.
Try the following actions:
• Forward received email messages to another email address automatically by specifying an Auto forward email address for your
BlackBerry email address. You can log in to the other email account to open the email message.
• Change the Header only option in the email message filter.
User Guide
Managing email messages