9. In the Database mirroring options dialog box, if you want to configure database mirroring, select the Add
support for database mirroring check box and type the name of the database server that hosts the mirror
database in the Name of the mirror database server field. The setup application does not create the BlackBerry
Configuration Database on the mirror Microsoft® SQL Server®; it adds a registry key to the computer that includes
the name of the mirror Microsoft SQL Server.
10. In the Application extensibility settings dialog box, consider the following information:
• You can type an FQDN to create a new BlackBerry MDS Integration Service pool or add the BlackBerry MDS
Integration Service instance to a pool that you created during a previous installation process.
• To configure a hardware load-balancer for the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service pool, you can type an
FQDN that corresponds to an DNS record in the DNS server that maps the FQDN to the IP address of the
virtual server that you configured on the hardware load-balancer.
• The setup application creates the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service database on the database server that
hosts the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
• If you add the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service instance to an existing pool, the setup application selects
the existing BlackBerry MDS Integration Service database and existing administrator account and publisher
11. In the Administration settings dialog box, perform the following actions:
• In the Pool name field, type an FQDN that the setup application can use to create the BlackBerry
Administration Service web address. If you install only one BlackBerry Administration Service instance in the
BlackBerry Domain, you can accept the default pool name. If you install more than one BlackBerry
Administration Service instance in the BlackBerry Domain, you must create a DNS entry for the pool name
that is not the name of a computer and is mapped to the IP address of each BlackBerry Administration Service
• In the New password and Confirm password fields, type the password for the SSL certificate that the
BlackBerry Administration Service uses to authenticate with browsers. You must use the same password for
every BlackBerry Administration Service instance in the BlackBerry Domain.
12. Start the services for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. If you installed the BlackBerry Administration Service,
the setup application waits until the BlackBerry Administration Service services are running before the setup
application continues.
13. In the Console addresses dialog box, copy the web addresses for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server components
and paste them into a document for future reference. You can use the web addresses to log in to the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server components that you installed.
After you finish:
If required, add the name of the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service pool to the DNS server and change the
name of the computer.
To verify that the BlackBerry Configuration Database on a Microsoft SQL Server uses the appropriate collation
setting, check that the collation setting for the BlackBerry Configuration Database is default case-insensitive.
If you reinstalled the BlackBerry Administration Service, in Windows® Internet Explorer®, delete the cache.
Installation and Configuration Guide
Install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software