Assign permissions to the Windows account or Microsoft SQL Server account
Perform one of the following actions:
• If you create the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server databases on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server and you require the setup application to install Microsoft® SQL Server® Express during the
installation process and you choose Windows® authentication, you are not required to assign Microsoft SQL
Server permissions to the Windows account. If you want the setup application to install the BlackBerry
database notification system, you must assign the Microsoft SQL Server permission for the database system
administrator (also called the sysadmin server role in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) to the
Windows account.
• If you create the BlackBerry Enterprise Server databases on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server and you require the setup application to install Microsoft SQL Server Express during the installation
process and you choose Microsoft SQL Server authentication, you must assign the database creator (dbcreator
server role) Microsoft SQL Server permission to the Microsoft SQL Server account. If you want the setup
application to install the BlackBerry database notification system, you must assign the Microsoft SQL Server
permission for the database system administrator (also called the sysadmin server role in Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio) to the Microsoft SQL Server account.
• If you create the BlackBerry Enterprise Server databases on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server and the computer already hosts a Microsoft SQL Server, you must assign the database creator
(dbcreator server role) Microsoft SQL Server permission to the Windows account or Microsoft SQL Server
account that you use to complete the BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation process. If you want the setup
application to install the BlackBerry database notification system, you must assign the Microsoft SQL Server
permission for the database system administrator (also called the sysadmin server role in Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio) to the Windows account or Microsoft SQL Server account.
• If you create the BlackBerry Enterprise Server databases on a computer that does not host the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server, you must assign the database creator (dbcreator server role) Microsoft SQL Server
permission to the Windows or Microsoft SQL Server account that you use to complete the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server installation process. If you want the setup application to install the BlackBerry database
notification system, you must assign the Microsoft SQL Server permission for the database system
administrator (also called the sysadmin server role in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) to the
Windows account or Microsoft SQL Server account.
Configuring authentication to the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service
When the setup application creates the BlackBerry® MDS Integration Service database during the installation process,
you must use the same authentication method and account that you specified for the BlackBerry Configuration
Database. The BlackBerry MDS Integration Service requires the same permissions to access the BlackBerry MDS
Integration Service database that the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server requires to access the BlackBerry Configuration
Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring connections for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server databases