Download signed Microsoft ActiveX controls
Run Microsoft ActiveX controls and plug-ins
Script Microsoft ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
support for JavaScript®
cookies turned on
support for TLS or SSL
the SSL certificate installed to permit trusted connections to the
BlackBerry Administration Service
if using Windows Vista®, the BlackBerry Administration Service web
address added as a trusted web site and Enable protected mode
browser settings for Firefox, Safari,
and Google Chrome
To support browser access, you must configure the following settings:
support for JavaScript
cookies turned on
support for TLS or SSL
to permit trusted connections to the BlackBerry Administration
Service, the SSL certificate installed
System requirements: Messaging server
Any of the following messaging servers located in close proximity to where you want to install the primary BlackBerry®
Enterprise Server:
Novell® GroupWise® 8.0.1 HP1
System requirements: Firewall
To install the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, configure a firewall or proxy firewall with the following conditions:
exclusive use of port 3101 to open and maintain an outbound, bidirectional TCP/IP connection to an external
support for resolving Internet addresses that use DNS
for proxy firewalls, transparency of the proxy server
System requirements: Instant messaging server
To install the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, any of the following instant messaging servers:
IBM® Lotus® Sametime® 7.0 Community Server
IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 Community Server
IBM Lotus Sametime 8.0 Community Server
IBM Lotus Sametime 8.0.1 Community Server
Installation and Configuration Guide
System requirements: Messaging server