Irys® User Guide
For Research Use Only. Not Intended For Diagnostic Purposes.
Each Bump Time trial alternates between one of two horizontal positions on the IrysChip: either one-third of the
way across, or two-thirds across the flowcell. Before each Bump Trial, the DNA will be concentrated and spiked
into the IrysChip, without the live view from the Concentration Voltage Optimization step.
For each additional Bump Time Optimization, there is an additional one minute preparation step. Up to
four of the most recent Bump Time measurements are displayed under Recorded Bump Time(s); and Optimized
Bump Time is displayed as an average of all recorded Bump Trials in a user-editable field. It is recommended that
the user continue to measure Bump Time until two consecutive measurement are within 2 seconds of each other.
Figure 37: Bump Time Optimization
Users have the option to finish the Generate Optimized Recipe creation after Bump Time optimization; however,
optimizing the Final Load Time is recommended. If Yes, continue to Yes Pathway. If No, continue to No Pathway.
Figure 38: Option to Stop Optimization After Bump Time