5061-049 REV 1.4
25-9574-75UM AE 05/2010
4.3.3. Protein A280
Step 1
Press 2 to select Protein A280.
Step 2
Select the Mode. Options are Christian Warburg, BSA, IgG, Lysozyme, Molar
extinction, Mass extinction, E 1%.
Step 3
Select Pathlength using the left and right arrows. Options are 0.5 mm, 0.2 mm or
Press the down arrow.
Step 4 (Dilution Factor known)
Enter the Dilution Factor using the keypad numbers (range 1.000 to 9999). Use the
C button to backspace and clear the last digit entered.
Step 4 (calculate Dilution Factor)
to enter the Dilution Factor Screen, shown to the left.
Enter the Volume of the sample using the keypad numbers (range 0.001 to 9999).
Press the down arrow.
Enter the volume of the Diluent using the keypad numbers (range 0.001 to 9999).
Press OK
to calculate the Dilution Factor and return to the Parameters Screen.
OR Press
to cancel the selections and return to the Parameters Screen.
Step 5
Select whether Background Correction is to be used or not with the left and right
Press the down arrow.
Step 6 (Mode = Christian Warburg, BSA, IgG, Lysozyme)
Select the Units of measurement using the left and right arrows. Options: mg/ml,
µg/ml, ng/µl and µg/µl.
Step 6 (Mode = Molar extinction)
Enter the Value for the molar extinction coefficient of the protein reference being
used (units l/mol). The default value is 50.
Press the down arrow.
Step 7 (Mode = Molar extinction)
Enter the Molecular Weight of the reference protein in kilo Daltons. The default
value is 50.
Step 6 (Mode = Mass extinction)
Enter the Mass Extinction Coefficient for the protein reference being used (units l/g).
The default value is 50.
Step 6 (Mode = E 1%)
Enter the Mass Extinction Coefficient for a 10 mg/ml(1%) solution of the reference
protein. The default value is 50.
Step 8 (all modes)
Press OK
to enter the Results Screen
to return to the Protein Screen.
Results Screen
Step 9
Pipette on the reference sample and lower the sampling head. If Auto-Read is off,
press the 0A/100%T key. This will be used for all subsequent samples until changed.
If QA is switched on the sample will need to be replaced and the 0A/100% T key
pressed again.