Section 3 Product Description
3.1 CCD Camera
A CCD camera is placed on top of the Universal Hood for capturing images. The camera comes
with a Motorized Zoom Lens (MZL) that allows a remote adjustment of the lens control functions
viz. Zoom, Focus and Iris.
3.2 Darkroom Cabinet
The Universal Hood is designed to capture fluorescence and chemiluminescence images without
using a photographic darkroom. The cabinet has a built-in white light Epi-illumination, a UV
transilluminator and an optional white light transilluminator or a white light conversion screen.
The drawer of the cabinet accommodates the built-in UV transilluminator
The lights in the darkroom cabinet turn off automatically after about 15 minutes. This time period
can be extended indefinitely by pressing the HOLD button.
The Universal Hood comes with a built-in UV transilluminator that has a 302-nm UV wavelength
to excite most fluorescent dyes used for gel imaging applications.
For White light applications, an optional UV/White light conversion screen (170-7940) or White
light transilluminator (170-7950) are available.
3.3 PCI Digitizing Card
The systems require a PCI Digitizing Card to convert the video signal captured with the CCD
camera to an image that can be displayed on your computer monitor. This card has to be inserted
in the PCI slot of your Macintosh or PC computer.
3.4 Software
The software package that comes with the Gel Documentation systems (TDS Quantity One) can
be used to annotate and document images, analyze molecular weights, video print, and perform a
host of other applications. See the software manual for instructions on how to install and operate
the software.
3.5 Thermal Printer (Optional)
The recommended thermal printer to be used with the Gel Documentation systems is the
Mitsubishi P-91W (170-7251), with 256 gray levels.
3.6 Packaging
The Gel Doc 2000, ChemiDoc or ChemiDoc XRS systems consist of multiple boxes. Each box
has a label describing the Catalog number and its contents. Please make sure that all the system
components are in your shipment. Please unpack each box carefully and verify the contents.
Each system includes the following:
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