![BinTec elmeg T444 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 84](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bintec/elmeg-t444/elmeg-t444_operating-instructions-manual_2752973084.webp)
The con fi gu ra ble pa ra me ters for the DHCP ser ver that you can se lect using the but ton »Ad van ced« al low you the op -
ti on of al so using the DHCP ser ver in the exi sting LAN environment.
Configuration of the Internet Service providers (ISP)
An In ter net Ser vi ce Pro vi der pro vi des you with an »en tran ce por tal« to the In ter net. A dis tincti on is ma de bet ween
ISPs with whom you ha ve a con tract (for ex am ple T-On li ne) and In ter net-by-call pro vi ders that bill you through
your pho ne bill (for example Freenet).
The ty pe of ac cess is in de pen dent of the ta riff char ges; this can be ba sed on ac tu al time, vo lu me or be a flat rate.
You can set up a con nec ti on to the In ter net with your PABX sys tem as fol lows:
Dial-up con nec tions via ISDN (using PPP pro to col, with one or two ISDN B chan nels, i. e. at 64 kBit/s or
128 kBit/s).
The se ty pes of con nec tions re qui re ac cess data with the num ber to be di aled, the user name and pass word
and, in some ca ses, ot her in for ma ti on such as the IP ad dress of the name ser ver and any in for ma ti on about
the data com pres si on method that is used (VJH).
Using xDSL (for ex am ple ADSL - T-DSL) in con juncti on with a DSL mo dem that is com pa ti ble with your
ISP via PPPoE.
The se con nec tions re qui re your user name and pass word as access data.
Via xDSL (e.g.SDSL) in con juncti on with a DSL mo dem that is com pa ti ble with your ISP with a set, pub lic
IP ad dress. The se con nec tions re qui re the pub lic IP ad dress that you have been as sig ned, the IP ad dress of
the next gate way (next hop) and the IP ad dress for the name ser ver of your provider.
The Pro fes sio nal Con fi gu ra tor of the PABX sys tem con tains a list of In ter net-by-call ISPs from which you can se lect a
pro vi der. The ad van ta ge he re is that you can set up an In ter net con nec ti on im me di ate ly wit hout first ha ving to agree
to a con tract. (The re qui si te ac cess da ta are al rea dy con tai ned in the con fi gu ra ti on soft wa re for the In ter net-by-call
ISPs that are lis ted). You can chan ge this con fi gu ra ti on when you de ci de to con clu de a con tract with a pro vi der for
example (at present required for all DSL providers).
Fall back con fi gu ra ti on for se ve ral ISPs »In ter net al ways works«
You can con fi gu re more than one IPS in your PABX sys tem.
You have one DSL con nec ti on that is not al ways avai la ble.
Here, you can con fi gu re the PABX sys tem so that it au to ma ti cal ly at tempts to set up an In ter net con nec ti on
via DSL. If this at tempt is un suc cess ful In ter net con nec ti on via ISDN can be pro gram med using a different
You are using a pro vi der that is not al ways avai la ble (some In ter net-by-call pro vi ders have very rea so na ble
ra tes, but their ac cess no des are over loa ded due to he avy traf fic du ring peak ti mes). Here you can sim ply
con fi gu re se ve ral In ter net-by-call pro vi ders. The PABX sys tem will au to ma ti cal ly at tempt to set up a con -
nec ti on with one of the configured ISPs.
You can ea si ly chan ge the or der of the ISPs with which the In ter net con nec ti on is to be set up (»Fall back or der« down
/ up). You can al so set the num ber of and in ter vals bet ween the se at tempts at set ting up an In ter net con nec ti on for
each ISP that has been con fi gu red. When the wai ting pe ri od bet ween the at tempts ex pi res and when the con fi gu red
num ber of ac tu al at tempts is rea ched and no con nec ti on has been estab lis hed, the next ISP in the list is selected.
Des crip ti on of the rou ter functions
Summary of Contents for elmeg T444
Page 1: ...elmegT444 Operating instructions English...
Page 10: ...Table of contents...
Page 88: ...Description of the router functions 78...
Page 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...
Page 100: ...Brief description of functions 90...
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