![BinTec elmeg T444 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 30](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bintec/elmeg-t444/elmeg-t444_operating-instructions-manual_2752973030.webp)
Showing names in the display of the system telephone
When a sub scri ber is cal led by an in ter nal or ex ter nal par ty, the na me that is en te red in the te le pho ne di rec to ry is
shown in the dis play in ad di ti on to the te le pho ne num ber. With in ter nal calls, the na me from the te le pho ne di rec to ry
is dis play ed on ly if no na me has been en te red du ring PC con fi gu ra ti on un der »In ter nal ex ten si on«. If a na me has
been en te red he re, this na me is dis play ed, as it has priority over the name in the telephone directory.
Speed dialing from the telephone directory
Every num ber in the PABX te le pho ne di rec to ry is as sig ned to a speed dia ling in dex (000...299). You can di al this
speed dia ling in dex in pla ce of the long num ber. The speed dia ling me mo ry is in te gra ted in to the PABX te le pho ne di -
rec to ry. Ob ser ve the in for ma ti on provided in PC configuration.
Lift up
hand set
Speed dia ling in dex
se lect
Sub scri ber is cal led
Con ver sa ti on
Call deflection during regular signaling (Call Deflection)
If you are not ab le, or do not wish, to ac cept a call, you ha ve the op ti on of re rou ting the call to a dif fe rent sub scri ber
whi le the call is being sig na led. When you for ward a call to an ex ter nal sub scri ber, you will be char ged for the costs of
the call from your pho ne to the for war ding des ti na ti on.
You can uti li ze this per for man ce fea tu re with sys tem te le pho nes of ISDN pho nes that sup port this functi on (re fer to
Operating Manual for terminal devices).
Forwarding external calls to external parties
For war ding of calls whi le the call is being sig na led de pends on the team that is being cal led:
If se ve ral mem bers are en te red for a team, call for war ding in the PABX is car ried out via the se cond B chan nel of the
ISDN con nec ti on. This al so ap plies when the con nec ti on has the fea tu re CD (call de flec ti on). The PABX can not be
rea ched by ex ter nal par ties whi le call for war ding is in progress.
If on ly one mem ber is en te red for a team, call for war ding in the PABX is car ried out via the se cond B chan nel of the
ISDN con nec ti on when the con nec ti on do es not ha ve the fea tu re CD. The PABX can not be rea ched by ex ter nal par -
ties whi le call for war ding is in pro gress. If the con nec ti on do es ha ve the CD fea tu re ac ti vat ed ho we ver, the call is for -
war ded to the ex chan ge. Both B chan nels are then im me di ate ly avai la ble again and the PABX can be reached by
external parties.
Call for war ding by a team mem ber is only pos si ble when »Team call si mul ta ne ous« call sig na ling has been set for
the team.
Direct dial-in
Say you are away from ho me. Ho we ver, so me bo dy at ho me should be ab le to re ach you quic kly and ea si ly by te le pho -
ne if nee ded (for ex am ple chil dren or el der ly re la ti ve). Sin ce you ha ve al rea dy con fi gu red the functi on »Di rect call«
for one or mo re of your pho nes, you need to lift the hand set of one of the se pho nes. Af ter fi ve se conds wit hout any
num bers being di aled the PABX will au to ma ti cal ly dial the defined direct call number.
You can en ter the num ber your self of the par ty that is to be cal led pri or to cal ling. The PABX sys tem re cog ni zes by the
length of the num ber whet her you ha ve en te red an in ter nal or ex ter nal num ber. You the re fo re do not need to in put a
pre fix code for ex ter nal num bers. To chan ge an al rea dy en te red di rect call num ber, just en ter the new one wit hout
de le ting the old num ber. You can al so per form the fol lo wing settings using PC configuration.
Ma king out si de calls
Cal ling se ve ral te le pho nes (team call)
Summary of Contents for elmeg T444
Page 1: ...elmegT444 Operating instructions English...
Page 10: ...Table of contents...
Page 88: ...Description of the router functions 78...
Page 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...
Page 100: ...Brief description of functions 90...
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