![BinTec elmeg T240 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 31](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bintec/elmeg-t240/elmeg-t240_operating-instructions-manual_2752972031.webp)
Least Cost Routing (LCR)
The built-in Least Cost Rou ting fea tu re lets you ma ke calls via an al ter na ti ve car rier or ser vi ce pro vi der. When this
per for man ce fea tu re is ac ti vat ed the PABX sys tem at tempts to set up the most rea so na bly pri ced or op ti mum con -
nec ti on for that time. The op ti mum con nec ti on may not al ways be the most reasonably priced however.
Di ver se in for ma ti on must be avai la ble for se lec ting the best pri ce and rea so na bly pri ced ser vi ce pro vi der for a call:
To whe re is the call being pla ced?
Time of the call?
The char ge ra te da ta for the LCR functi on can be downloa ded from the In ter net si te www.te le fon spar buch.de. bintec
elmeg GmbH is not li ab le for, nor can it gua ran tee the up-to-da ten ess, com ple te ness and cor rect ness/free dom from
error of the rate tables.
Nor mal ly, you are con nec ted with your net work ser vi ce pro vi der when you lift the hand set of your pho ne and di al the
li ne ac cess digit
(de fault: 0)The built-in Least Cost Rou ting fea tu re lets you ma ke calls via an al ter na ti ve car rier or ser vi ce
In its in iti al sta te, no LCR pro ce du re is ac ti vat ed in your PABX. You can con fi gu re the va ri ous LCR pro ce du res using
a PC and the WIN-Tools CD supp lied with the system.
Plea se no te that the re are so me pro vi ders who se ser vi ces must be ap plied for. So me of the se pro vi ders au to ma ti cal ly
set up a con nec ti on to en roll un re gis te red cus to mers. If you ter mi na te such a con nec ti on du ring dia ling and then
sub se quent ly at tempt to set up this link again, this may re sult in er rors du ring cal ling (com mu ni ca ti on will not be
estab lis hed). In this ca se it will be ne ces sa ry to de ac ti va te the pro vi der con cer ned in the LCR pro fes sio nal on the
WIN-Tools CD and to update the date records in the PABX.
LCR Professional features
Con fi gu ra ti on of up to 20 pro vi ders in clu ding pro vi der name and pre fix. Set ting op tions for in di -
vi du al rou ting pro ce du res (stan dard, trunk group, MSN)
Up to 50 zo nes with a ma xi mum of 200 en tries each (pre fix, pho ne num bers, sub scri bers) can be
con fi gu red.
You can con fi gu re a GSM gate way as pro vi der. The trunk code for the port is di aled for con nec -
tions at the ex ter nal ISDN port of the PABX sys tem as the »Pro vi der pre fix«. When con nec ted to
one of the pabx’s ana log port, the in ter nal ex ten si on num ber of the pabx is dialed.
Three dif fe rent fall back sta ges can be set.
The rate tab les are con fi gu red for Mon day through Fri day, Sa tur day and Sun day for the zo nes
that have been con fi gu red.
Pre con fi gu ra ti on and downlo ad of rate tab les from the In ter net (www.te le fon spar buch.de).
Im por ting and sa ving the rate tab les and trans fer ring them to your PABX sys tem.
Important notice for using the LCR procedure
Users can be in hi bi ted from using this fea tu re in PC con fi gu ra ti on.
Ne ver Out of Touch
Monitoring costs