![BinTec elmeg T240 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 25](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bintec/elmeg-t240/elmeg-t240_operating-instructions-manual_2752972025.webp)
In the in iti al sta te, this PIN 2 is set to
. To en su re ade qua te se cu ri ty you must chan ge this 6-di git PIN
2 and en
le re
te ac
cess to the PABX if you wish to use this fea
You are at an external telephone.
Lift up the hand set of the pho ne from which you wish to con duct room mo ni to ring and di al the MSN or di rect di al-in
num ber to which the ser vi ce num ber for the PABX is assigned.
If re mo te ac cess has been en ab led and is pos si ble at this time you will he ar the spe ci al di al to ne of your PABX.
Set your pho ne to fre quen cy (DTMF) dia ling, or use a DTMF ma nu al transmitter.
En ter PIN 2
sig nal
Di al the num ber of the te le -
pho ne to be used for room
mo ni to ring
sig nal
Room mo ni to ring is ac ti -
vat ed
To end room mo ni to ring, hang up the hand set of the ex ter nal te le pho ne.
Tracing (Malicious call identification)
You must ap ply for this fea tu re to your ser vi ce pro vi der. You will then be in form ed of furt her pro ce du res the re. If you
di al the ap pro pria te code du ring a call, or af ter the cal ler has en ded a call (you will he ar the bu sy sig nal from the ex -
chan ge) the caller’s num ber is saved at the exchange.
At ten ti on:
On ly hang up the hand set af ter you ha ve en te red the code for tra cing the cal ler and he ar the po si ti ve ac -
knowled ge ment signal.
On going call, or
cal ler hangs up
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Allocating Project Numbers
Pro ject num bers al low you for ex am ple to in voi ce te le pho ne calls for spe ci fic cus to mers. If you ha ve in itia ted calls
your self you can sa ve the da ta for call du ra ti on and costs for this cus to mer un der the pro ject num ber. If you are cal led
by a cus to mer, you can sto re the call da ta for this particular customer.
A pro ject is ac ti vat ed by en te ring a code and a pro ject num ber con si sting of up to 6 di gits. If you ha ve ex port ed call da -
ta re cords using the char ge ma na ger soft wa re on the CD, you can, for ex am ple, sort, fil ter or com pi le the se da ta re -
cords ac cor ding to project numbers.
Assigning a project number for a call you initiate
Lift up
hand set
En te ring a pro ject
num ber
(max. 6 - pla ce)
sig nal
Di al call num ber
Project number for an external call
You are con duc ting a call and wish to re gis ter it for a pro ject.
Ma king out si de calls
Ma king Calls