![BinTec elmeg T240 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 26](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/bintec/elmeg-t240/elmeg-t240_operating-instructions-manual_2752972026.webp)
Con ver sa ti on
En te ring a pro -
ject num ber
(max. 6 - pla ce)
sig nal
Con ti nue call
Keypad function (»Net direct«)
On ly re cent ly you pur cha sed the most mo dern te le pho ne on the mar ket. Sin ce then, ho we ver, new fea tu res ha ve been
ad ded to the pub lic net work which you are not ab le to use just by pushing a button.
Ask your net work ser vi ce pro vi der about this and get the cor re spon ding codes from them (for ex am ple ac ti va ting in -
hi bits at the ex chan ge office). Use of this fea tu re must be en ab led for a user de fi ned in con fi gu ra ti on in the sec ti on
»In ter nal user« on the tab »Fea tu res«. If the fea tu re »Di rect ex chan ge li ne ac cess« is ac ti vat ed you will on ly be ab le to
use the key pad functi on if you press the * but ton first and then dial 0 after you lift the handset.
The key pad functions can on ly be used by ter mi nal de vi ces to which an MSN has been as sig ned du ring con fi gu ra ti on
and for which this fea tu re has been ap plied for at the exchange.
Initiating the keypad function
Lift up
hand set
Di al li ne ac cess di git
In itia te key pad functi on
En ter codes
Re pla ce hand set
Multifunctional device
If an ana log ter mi nal de vi ce con nec ti on for the PABX has been con fi gu red as a »Mul ti-functi on port« for mul -
ti-functi on de vi ces, all calls will co me in, re gard less of their ser vi ce functi on. With ex chan ge li ne ac qui si ti on using a
code the ser vi ce IDs for »ana log te le pho ny«, »fax group 3« or »ISDN te le pho ny« can be trans mit ted, re gard less of the
con fi gu ra ti on for the ana log con nec ti on. The ser vi ce ID »ana log te le pho ny« is trans mit ted when you di al a 0.
Ex am ple:
You are un ab le to re ach a fax ma chi ne of group 3 that is ope ra ted with the ser vi ce ID at a re mo te ISDN PABX sys tem.
By dia ling the ap pro pria te code, your PABX trans mits the ser vi ce ID »fax group 3«. The remote PABX system
recognizes the service and connects you to the fax machine.
You would li ke to ma ke an ex ter nal con nec ti on to a cer tain ser vi ce.
Lift up
hand set
»Fax group 3«
Di al ex ter nal num ber
Ne ver Out of Touch
Call forwarding
Using the functi on »Call for war ding«, the PABX pro vi des you with a me ans for re mai ning ac ces si ble, even if you lea -
ve your desk or pho ne. This is achie ved by the sys tem au to ma ti cal ly for war ding calls to anot her in ter nal or ex ter nal
num ber. Du ring PC con fi gu ra ti on for the PABX you can spe ci fy for each in ter nal ex ten si on whet her this fea tu re is to
be exe cu ted within your PABX system or in the exchange.
Call forwarding by the PABX
The PABX con nects the cal ling par ty with the in ter nal or ex ter nal sub scri ber that you ha ve spe ci fied. The B chan nel
of the ISDN con nec ti on is used for an ex ter nal call, de pen ding on your par ti cu lar configuration.
Call for war ding can al so be ma de to a team num ber.
Ma king Calls
Ne ver Out of Touch