BinTec elmeg T240 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 30

Analog terminal devices

With your PABX sys tem it is pos si ble to trans mit the char ge ra te in for ma ti on as me te ring pul ses via the ana log ports

with ap pro pria te ly equip ped ter mi nal de vi ces. In the in iti al sta te trans mis si on of the 12 or 16 kHz char ge pul se is de -

ac ti vat ed. On ac count of the tech no lo gy used in ISDN for the con nec ti on/call cost trans fer, con nec ti on/call costs may

con ti nue to be trans mit ted even af ter the con nec ti on has been ter mi na ted. With all of the ana log ter mi nal de vi ces

avai la ble on the mar ket, it may not al ways be pos si ble for the char ge pul se trans mit ted by your PABX sys tem at the

con clu si on of a con nec ti on to be re cei ved pro per ly by the ter mi nal de vi ce you are using.  Plea se ob ser ve the in struc -

tions in the ope ra ting ma nu al for your ter mi nal de vi ce.

 The transmit pulse frequency can be set during PC configuration to 16 kHz or 12 kHz.

Charge counter

The PABX ma na ges a char ge coun ter for each in ter nal user on the ba sis of the trans mit ted char ge ra te in tor ma ti on.

The coun ter logs the costs of all calls. You can use the PABX me nu or the char ge log ger pro gram to dis play the coun ter 

for an in ter nal user. You can al so reset the counters.

Transmission of communication costs by the network service provider

To dis play call/con nec ti on costs at in ter nal ter mi nal de vi ces of the PABX eit her du ring or at the end of the call and to

ma na ge the char ge coun ter you ha ve to ap ply for the ra te in for ma ti on trans fer to be ac ti vat ed by your net work ser vi ce 

pro vi der. The re are two ways to transfer the cost of calls:


Trans fer  of  rate  in for ma ti on  in  units.
The se units are then con ver ted to a cur ren cy va lue using a de fi ned fac tor. The cur ren cy must be
spe ci fied  pre vi ous ly  in  the  PABX  however.


Trans fer of the cur ren cy va lue..
No  con ver si on  re qui red  in  the  PABX.

Ask your net work pro vi der which me thod is used to trans mit your char ge ra te da ta. Ma ke su re your con nec ted ter -

mi nal de vi ces sup port the me thod that is used. The PABX supp orts both the se trans mis si on types.

If your net work ser vi ce pro vi der has made this rate in for ma ti on dis play du ring calls avai la ble on your ISDN con -
nec ti on  then  the  PABX  ter mi nal  de vi ces  can  dis play  this  in for ma ti on.

Call account (charge limitation, pocket money account)

A call char ge ac count can be pro gram med for each in ter nal user. The char ge ra te amounts avai la ble to that par ti cu lar

user are de fi ned in this ac count. If the user uses up his/her al lot ted units he/she can then on ly ma ke in ter nal calls. If

this li mit is rea ched du ring an on going call, the call can be com ple ted. The user can ma ke ex ter nal calls again when

the num ber of units on his/her ac count is in crea sed or the counter is deleted.


Plea se note that user’s char ge ac count must be  ac ti vat ed  and  trans mis si on  of  the  rate  in for ma ti on  must  be ap plied
for at your net work ser vi ce pro vi der in or der to uti li ze this fea tu re. If you make a call using a dif fe rent pro vi der
which does not trans fer the char ge rate in for ma ti on, the call ac count functi on will be  inef fec ti ve.

Be fo re  you  en ter the amount for the call cost ac count you must cle ar the char ge  coun ter for the in ter nal num ber of the 

ac count hol der. You can then set up the call account.

For  con fi gu ra ti on  in for ma ti on  using  the  te le pho ne  plea se  re fer  to  page  47.

Monitoring costs

Ne ver Out of Touch


Summary of Contents for elmeg T240

Page 1: ...Operating instructions English elmegT240...

Page 2: ...domesticwasteatanappropriatewastedisposalfacilityattheendof itsusefulservicelife Youwillfindadditionalinformationonanindividualreturningoftheoldappli ances under www bintec elmeg com bintec elmeg GmbH...

Page 3: interlock 9 Making internal calls 9 Announcement 10 Making outside calls 10 Making outside calls at automatic exchange line access 11 Making external calls with prefix code 11 Trunk group routing...

Page 4: ...Least Cost Routing LCR 23 LCR Professional features 23 Activating the LCR procedure 24 Deactivating the LCR procedure 24 Block dialing Austria 24 PABX Settings 25 Activating and deactivating call sign...

Page 5: ...nstallation sequence 35 Connections to the PABX system 37 View inside the PABX system 37 PABX terminals 38 Assignment of the RJ12 jack 38 Modules 40 Module installation 40 Installation of the module e...

Page 6: ...hone 52 Download Manager 52 Configuration TAPI 52 LCR Professional 52 Application programs 53 Drivers 53 TAPI in the LAN 53 Initial installation 53 Installing the Programs from the CD ROM 54 Configura...

Page 7: ...tmapping 64 Information about data security when surfing the Internet 64 Dial in into the LAN RAS 64 Appendix 65 Troubleshooting 65 Technical specifications 67 Index 68 Brief description of functions...

Page 8: ...Table of contents VI...

Page 9: ...kept to a minimum Internet access for all of the PCs connected to the PABX system is provided via one single connection SUA single user account only one set of access data is required from your Intern...

Page 10: ...uchasstereoequipment electronicoffice equipmentormicrowaveunits AvoidinstallingyourPABXnearsourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiatorsorinroomswithexces sivehumidity Theambienttemperatureatthelocationwhereth...

Page 11: ...rough the POTS module Green flickering Two B channels busy B1 Showsthebusy statefortheexternalISDN connection Green lit The first B channel remains busy B1 Showsthebusy statefortheexternalISDN connect...

Page 12: ...d by the PABX Please repeat the operation All LEDs flashing New firmware being downloaded into the PABX Do not remove the plug in power supply unit for the PABX system during this phase as it can resu...

Page 13: ...issymbolindicatesthecallstatus a Replacethehandsetofyourphoneinthecarriage orthetelephoneisidle l Indicatessignalingataterminaldevice forexampleyourphonerings t Youcandialthedesirednumber 1x0 Dialaspe...

Page 14: ...ccepted Negative acknowledgement signal mixed tone 421Hz and 320 Hz ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you hear this tone the selected function can not be used or the feature has not been configur...

Page 15: ...recall with Clip ______________________ ____ _____________________ CLIP If your analog telephone has been configured for calling line identification CLIP it will be called with this signal External ca...

Page 16: ...n you make an external call You will hear the internal dial tone when you lift up your handset Note If your phone is set for Automatic line access you must first press the key when you lift the handse...

Page 17: ...nal party Conduct your call Making internal calls All phone calls fax transmissions or data transmissions that take place between internal analog devices are internal connections for which no charges...

Page 18: ...ese connections may also be to two different parties simultaneously For ex ample you can call an external business partner while simultaneously transferring data from your PC to a different businesspa...

Page 19: ...only use this performance feature when you are using more than one external port only with POTS modu le In the default setting the external ISDN port is used first after dialing the line access digit...

Page 20: ...wer If supported by your network provider you can use the function Completion of calls on no reply to reach the party immediately when he she endsacall orliftsandthenreplaceshis herhandset Yourtelepho...

Page 21: ...make a business call from home late at night you can define your business telephone number as the MSN for this business call TheadvantageisthattheconnectionanditscostarerecordedundertheselectedMSNand...

Page 22: ...andset Speed dialing from the telephone directory The PABX system is equipped with an integrated telephone directory in which you can make up to 500 entries each with up to a 24 digit number and up to...

Page 23: ...r more of your phones you need to lift the handset of one of these phones After five seconds without any numbers being dialed the PABX will automatically dial the defined direct call number Youcanente...

Page 24: ...x and must subsequently be enabled and configured once again Enabling room monitoring for an internal telephone b 593 q Lift up handset Ack signal Do not replace handset Do not deactivate hands free c...

Page 25: ...nded a call you will hear the busy signal from the ex change the caller s number is saved at the exchange Attention Only hang up the handset after you have entered the code for tracing the caller and...

Page 26: ...ess of their service function With exchange line acquisition using a codetheserviceIDsfor analogtelephony faxgroup3 or ISDNtelephony canbetransmitted regardlessofthe configuration for the analog conne...

Page 27: ...econds dependingonthesettingin thePABXorattheexchange partialrerouting Callforwardingonbusy Thecallisforwardedonlyifthedestinationtelephoneisbusy Note Ongoingcallforwardingcallsalsobeoverwrittenbyanew...

Page 28: ...gnal Replace handset Call will then be forwarded to the specified telephone Internal de activation of call forwarding Follow me internal and external b 64 t q a Lift up handset Internal number for whi...

Page 29: Follow me from an external location t q 64 t q a Enter PIN 2 Ack signal Internal number for which call forwarding is to be canceled Ack signal Replace handset After you cancel call forwarding posi...

Page 30: ...units Theseunitsarethenconvertedtoacurrencyvalueusingadefinedfactor Thecurrencymustbe specified previouslyinthePABXhowever Transferofthecurrencyvalue NoconversionrequiredinthePABX Ask your network pro...

Page 31: ...cesmust be applied for Some of these providers automatically set up a connection to enroll unregistered customers If you terminate such a connection during dialing and then subsequently attempt to set...

Page 32: signal Deactivating the LCR procedure b X q q 781 q Lift up handset Ack signal Enter PIN 0000 default setting Ack signal Code Ack signal Block dialing Austria Using block dialing prepared dialing y...

Page 33: ...figuration for the team for internal team calls IftheMSNisdialedbyanexternalparty ortheteamnumberbyaninternaluser alloftheassignedterminaldevices are called Different terminal devices can be assigned...

Page 34: can assign two different call distribution options team call assignment day night to each team Call forwarding to an external subscriber is also possible for day night team call assignments allowi...

Page 35: ...riber underthetab Phonenumber Log inattheSMScenterandreceivingoftheSMSsarethenmadeusingthisnumber IfyouenteranSMS authorized telephoneintheteamcallallocation inthesection External numbers inseveraltea...

Page 36: ...erformed automatically at a time you specify Different day night changeo ver times can be selected for each day of the week A calendar consists of four switching times which in turn canbe specifically...

Page 37: ...table in the Section Restricted Numbers can not be dialed using theanalogterminaldevicesincludedintheassociateddialingregion Forexample theentryofthenumber 0190 in the list would prevent calls being...

Page 38: ...Youareconductingacall Youwouldliketocallanotherparty R PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t Ifyouwishtospeaktoanexternalparty dial0first Ifyouhearabusysignalafterdialing0 eitheryourtelephone...

Page 39: ...willheartheinternaldialtone t Dialthenumberoftheinternalpartytowhomyouwishtotransferthecall Youwillheartheringingsignalinyourhandset Thepartywillbecalled IfyouhearthebusysignalpresstheRkeyagaintoretri...

Page 40: ...llwaiting R2 Dialthiscode Party2answers youcanspeakwithParty2Party1isputonhold R4 Youwouldliketoconnectthetwopartieswithoneanother Dialthiscode Thetwopartiesarethenconnected Thechargesfortheconnection...

Page 41: ...The feature Hold in PABX must be configured to conduct a three party conference call in the PABX with external or internal caller Both B channels of the ISDN connection are used when making a three p...

Page 42: ...the negative acknowledgement signal is heard the subscriber cancels the inquiry call and repeats the process for another internal extension released for the system parked inquiry During system parked...

Page 43: ...fficeequipment ormicrowave units AvoidinstallingyourPABXnearsourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiatorsorinroomswithexces sivehumidity Theambienttemperaturemustbebetween5and40 C Havingidentified theappropria...

Page 44: ...naldeviceconnectorsintothejacks IfyouwishtoconfigureyourPABXsystemyourselfviathePC youcandothisviatheUSBport onthePABX orattheinternalISDNconnection ToconfigurethesystemviathePCport connectthePABXsyst...

Page 45: ...a b7 a b8 a b8 1 1 2 2 NO NO S0 intern S0 intern S0 extern S0 extern a b1 a b1 2a b 2a b 1a b 1a b 3a b 3a b 4a b 4a b Modul Modul S0 intern S0 intern 2a b 2a b 1a b 1a b 3a b 3a b 4a b 4a b 5a b 5a...

Page 46: PC configuration The PABX is equipped with two types of internal connections Fourconnectionsa b1 a b4forhard wiringofoutlets AfteryouhavepluggedaterminaldeviceintotheRJ12jackofthePABX youmaynotuse...

Page 47: on the type of USB connecting cord you are using The PABX system USB port is ready for operation at the PC connected to the system when the LED USB lights up andstayslit PCapplicationsthatrunviathe...

Page 48: ...ious modules can be used for the PABX systems You should first make a backup copy of all pabx data and then reset the system to default state code 999 Switch the system off then mount the modules Rest...

Page 49: 3 External connecting lead La 4 External connecting lead Lb 5 nc 6 nc Ports La and Lb are electrically isolated from the PABX system circuit Functional ground As the elmeg M 1 POTS module is equipp...

Page 50: ...a b 1 Fixing holes 2 Connector 3 Fixing holes ConnectiontothePABXsystemismadeusingtheribboncableprovidedwiththesystem Thetwoanalogsubscribers are connected at jacks a b5 and a b6 on the PABX system Mo...

Page 51: ...ethenumbers10 11and20areenteredandenabledforTeam00inthe day nightteamcallallocation Default setting TheexternalISDNconnectionissettopoint to multipointaccess Thefour digitPIN1 password issetto0000 The...

Page 52: ...n isactivated ThekeypadfunctionfortheexternalISDNconnectionisnotenabledforterminaldevices Themeterpulsefrequencyissetto16kHz Remoteaccesscanbeinitiated fromanyterminaldevice Remoteswitchingauthorizati...

Page 53: Therefore never just briefly replace the handset or pressthebuttoninthecradlebrieflywithyourhand asthePABXwouldtakethisasaflashsignalinsteadofhanging up Configuration using a telephone Configuratio...

Page 54: ...teryouenterthis6 digitPIN2areyouallowedtoutilize functions in your PABX that can be activated deactivated from external telephones Note Remote access using this 6 digit PIN2 is only possible when this...

Page 55: have the option of using the functions Callforwarding Followme Roommonitoring from an external location You can specify the required authorization for remote access to your PABX Enable inhibit the...

Page 56: forexample atconnection1 internalnumber10 orfromate lephone at connection 2 internal number 11 You are connected with the service technician who then explains the further procedure to you When req...

Page 57: ...the data back into the PABX Note No further data links can be established when your PABX has been released for dial in by the service center If you wish to cancel enabling for remote access proceed as...

Page 58: ...port searchingforandconfigureyoursystemtelephones registerandeditcalldataonthePC editthephonedirectory LoadnewsystemsoftwareintothePABX surftheInternet sendandreceivedataintheEurofileformat requiresad...

Page 59: ...ance The provider the duration of the existing connection the port ISDN or DSL the external IP address assigned by the provider ifapplicable andthevolumeofthetransferreddataforuploadanddownload AnInte...

Page 60: ...system The current system software is available for downloading on the Internet at www bintec elmeg com Configuration TAPI Using TAPI Configuration you can adapt the TAPI driver for a program that use...

Page 61: ...B interface i e the PABX system Please note that software used for the CAPI application may require certain li censeagreementswiththesoftwaremanufacturer Theprogram CAPIinLAN doesnotrequirealicensetor...

Page 62: ...the Internet Before installing the new drivers be sure to remove any existing CAPI drivers in your system such as the drivers for an installed ISDN card as Windows only supports one installed CAPI Ref...

Page 63: ...gWind owsExplorer doubleclickonthefile orusingtheoption Run intheWindowsstartmenu When the file is started the welcome screen of the CD is displayed Configuration with a PC UsetheUSBconnectingcordsupp...

Page 64: ...henrestartyourPC AfterrestartingyourPCyouwillfindtheiconfortheControlCenterintheWindows Toolbar YoucansetuptheInternetconnectionviatheControlCenterandthenstartyourInternet browser Note If you already...

Page 65: ...Accessmethod Youwill thenseethe SetupWizard Under Selectaccessmethod specifyaccessviatherouter Under LAN selection mark Home LAN AfteryourPChasbeenrestartedyouwillseetheControlCentericonintheWindows T...

Page 66: or can change the setting Initial Commissioning and Minimum Configuration Connection of a PC through USB installation Atpresent onlyMicrosoftWindowsoperatingsystemsaresupportedforconnectionofaPCtot...

Page 67: ...sedforthenamedefinitionforWindowsPCswhenyouuseaWINSserver in the LAN This parameter should only be configured when you operate a WINS server in the LAN Time Servers The parameter Time Servers is used...

Page 68: ...of the Internet Service providers ISP An Internet Service Provider provides you with an entrance portal to the Internet A distinction is made between ISPs with whom you have a contract for example T O...

Page 69: ...Terminateconnectionto provider Afterasettime whichcanbedefined duringwhichthereisnodatatraffictotheInternet the connection isterminated automatically Youcanactivate de activatethis function inthe conf...

Page 70: ...figuredbasedonourlatestknowledge Wecan however pro vide no guarantee for the function of the filters Use of a firewall should go hand in hand with use of virus scanning softwareonallyourPCs Firewallsa...

Page 71: ...llfiltersthataregeneratedwiththeFilterWizardarebasedonpacketsbeingdiscarded withtheex ception of those for which an appropriate rule exists The more filters you configure for the PABX system the more...

Page 72: ...rrespondingPCinyourLANistobeaccessiblefromtheInternet notpossibleinthestan dardconfigurationwithNAT Inthiscase certainUDPandTCPportsmustbereroutedtoaPCinthe LAN Information about data security when su...

Page 73: ...received Same causes and remedies possible as for No incoming internal calls PABX not connected cor rectly to the network termi nation unit of your network service provider Check the connection betwee...

Page 74: ...e In the system control panel folder System Device manager check whether the USB ports of your PC have been activated PABX drivers not properly loaded In the system control panel folder System Device...

Page 75: ...point connection ISDNcablelengthswith0 6mm Wirediameter Short passive bus max length of 120 meters Analog ports Supply PABX symmetrical 60 mA at 25 ohms Max lengthoftelephone connectioncableswhenusing...

Page 76: ...s Day and Night25 Busy tone 6 C Calendar 28 Call account 22 Call allocation 25 Call assignment 25 Call assignments 26 Call Control 29 Call data 51 Call data records 21 63 Call distribution 26 Call for...

Page 77: ...59 Domain Suffixes 59 Drivers on the CD ROM 53 54 E ECT Call switching 32 Emergency calls 29 Emergency numbers 28 Enable inhibit call waiting for a further call 11 Exchange authorization 10 External c...

Page 78: ...nal 9 Making outside calls with prefix code 11 Malicious call identification Tracing 17 Melody 44 Module elmeg M 1 POTS 41 Module elmeg M 2 a b 42 Module installation 40 Monitoring costs call account...

Page 79: ...ccess 47 51 Reset 47 for a subscriber s settings 48 for all settings and subscribers 48 Resetting settings to initial state 47 Resetting the PABX 47 Restricted numbers 29 Ringing signal 6 Room monitor...

Page 80: ...tions 52 Three party conference call 33 Time acceptance 29 Tone dialing 1 T Online number 56 Tracing Malicious call identification 17 Transfer in the exchange 32 within the PABX 32 Transfer calls 31 T...

Page 81: call with prior notice gRta Forwarding an internal call without prior notice gRtg Inquiry call gRg Terminating a room inquiry with analog terminals gR4a Connecting external callers Broker s call gR...

Page 82: ...toring from internal terminals Inhibiting calls b 570qa Inhibiting internal and outside calls b 571qa Inhibiting outside calls b 572qa Inhibiting internal calls b 570qa Re enabling all calls Malicious...

Page 83: ...Declaration of conformity Declaration of conformity 75...

Page 84: ...S dwestpark 94 D 90449 N rnberg For information on support and service offerings please visit our Website at www bintec elmeg com where you will find a Service Support area Subject to modifications A...
