Selecta: User Manual_______________
This checkweigher can be used both in legal-for-trade mode and in not-legal-for-
trade mode.
The legal-for-trade version produces prepacked lots meeting the European norms
in force, that is directive 76/11/CEE.
In general, this checkweigher applies a set of modifiable thresholds to select
products meeting the following criteria:
Discard of products above threshold and below threshold
. Thresholds can
match those in the norm together with two additional thresholds working upstream.
Discards can be differentiated on the basis of the position of the product above or
below threshold.
Digital warning of weight range
of the product on the basis of 4 weight
programmable thresholds.
Discard of products on the basis o fan external warning
of “product to be
discarded”, received by the metal detector or another checking device before the
In addition, this checkweigher gives in real time information about descriptive
parameters of the production process generating weighed products in terms of
average weight value and standard deviation, other than providing information
about the production rate and about the numerosity and nature of discards.
Eventually the following displayed pages in process are available:
Detailed data of the process and process progressive data
List of the last 60 weighing operations
Histogram showing the production process and detailing the product numerosity
on the basis of the weight slot.
Defining the List of Products with the Relevant Weighing Guide
Each product in the machine is a PLU.
Each PLU is marked by a 15 character numeric code and keeps all the information
about the product weighing criteria.
a new PLU, from the main page, follow the procedure below:
Access the “ARCHIVES” menu