Selecta: User Manual_______________
increate without asking the operator the new lot. Sequence numbers are the
machine global data, which can be modified anytime accessing machine
configuration (ctrl MENU, parameter NO. CTRL SEQUENCE)
Date + sequence
: the lot code is the date when it is generated (in the format
ddmmyyyy), and the sequence number. The sequence number is automatically
incremented at the opening of every new lot.
Every process is univocally bound to a weight check lot. Such lot must be entered
when creating the process (as a consequence of the start of the process with PLU
not already open or of the start command sent via network on a PLU not already
open). It is not possible to use a lot which has already been created and not yet
deleted. If upon request no lots are entered (pressing the BACK button), the
process is activated in normal mode (without the checkweigher function). The
process page is different from the single product and crateweighing operations (in
all their configurations), showing the graph and statistical data relevant to the lot
bound to the PLU in progress, updated in real time during the process.
Displaying Process Data
During a process several screens are available displaying several groups of data
concerning the production process.
All the pages can be accessed thanks to the buttons on the right of the display.
In every page there is the name of the PLU and the LOT of the checkweigher.
Main Page
The main page is displayed every time a process starts and it is recalled pressing
the MAIN PAGE button.
Here you can find statistical data about
average weight, mean deviation
(difference between average weight and nominal weight) and
standard deviation
concerning the products that have been accepted until the current moment of the
In addition, it includes the number of rejected products, grouped by category
(sorted by weight, sorted by metal – in case a metal detector is connected – or
other rejections including all the cases where a product cannot be weighed,
minimum weight, overload, external rejection).
This page shows also the average rate calculated processing the last 10 pieces
(and compared with the nominal rate set in the PLU, determining the speed of the
belts), efficiency (meaning the ratio between the rejected products and the
products passed on the line) and the percentage of pieces which weight is
between the thresholds –T1 and –T2 compared with the maximum allowed
percentage for the PLU, if applicable.
Average weight and mean deviation data are highlighted in green when the
average weight exceeds the nominal weight and in red should the case be the
In addition, in the main page, a dashboard informs about weight thresholds, the
PLU name and the name of the LOT of the checkweigher function.