Selecta: User Manual_______________
Graph Page
The graph page, accessible from the PAG GRAPHIC button, draws the histogram
of the occurrence of the weights between thresholds –T2 and +T2.
Where, at every frequency the interval is divided in, there can be both accepted
and rejected weights (if in the presence of the option always granting the average
greater than the nominal weight), two overlapping bars are drawn, one is green for
the numerosity of accepted weights, the other, for the rejected pieces, is red.
Otherwise, if not in the presence of the option always granting the average greater
than the nominal weight, the bars identifying accepted pieces are red, while those
identifying the rejected pieces are yellow.
In addition, on the top of the graph, the numerosities of all the totalized pieces in
the weight slots lower than –T1, between –T1 and +T1, and greater than +T1 are
Process Page
The process data page, accessible thanks to the PAGE WORK DATA button,
displays a series of accessory data, usually not meaningful in the applications of
selection, which nevertheless have a specific value when working with a printer
(this item is not dealt with in this section of the manual).
In particular, if set in the PLU, along with the codes and expiry dates, also the
filling level (in pieces and weight) of boxes and pallets being a fraction of the
production is displayed.
Page Weights
The page of last weights, accessible thanks to the PAGE WEIGHTS button,
displays the weight of the last 60 weighing operations, where the weighing
operation 1 is the most recent.
Please note that going out and then in process with the same PLU without closing
the lot, just the last 20 weighing operations are displayed.
Properly Adjusting the Product Handling
Every single piece on the line is tracked since the photoelectric cell at the belt
before the scale is covered to the full exit from the conveying system.
Pieces must be properly spaced in order to exclusively cover the scale.
To avoid that possible photoelectric cell flickering while a product is passing by the
line catches a single item as several very close items, it is possible to use the
PIECE LENGTH parameter in the PLU to set a length the machine considers the
area where just one reading is valid.
Once the photoelectric cell is reenabled, if a following product reaches the cell
before the previous product has gone throughout the whole belt from the photocell
position, the first product is rejected and marked PIECES ADJACENT. Note: the
rejected piece is the first one as the weighing operation occurs in the last part of
the belt.