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Defining Macros for Quick Modifications of Plu Data
If the modification of one or more PLU fields is a frequent operation, it is possible
to speed it up defining one or more MACRO, that is the storage of sequences of
fields to be modified in succession to be bound to a free button of the window.
procedure of use of a macro
goes through two different steps, that is the
definition of the macro itself, that is of the sequence of fields characterizing it, and
the bond of the macro to a free button in the process page.
Not all macros must necessarily be bound to a button.
Normally, first all the macros are defined, and then they are bound to the buttons
of the window.
To define a macro for a process you need to:
Access the data page of a PLU
Access the contextual window tapping the bottom right corner of the del display
Press the “START RECORD MACRO” button
The system asks for the name to give the macro. Such name is not the one on the
button, but it identifies the macro during the binding procedure.
Press, in sequence, on the fields to be modified recalling the macro which is being
Once the sequence of fields is completed, tap again the bottom right corner and
the button “STOP. RECORD MACRO”.
a macro to a button, during a process, go through the following steps:
Tap the bottom right corner of the display.
Press the “MACRO ALLOCATION” button
The instrument lists all the recorded macros. Select a macro.
Enter the text to be displayed in the first line of the button.
Enter the text to be displayed in the second line of the button; if the writing is just
one line long, let the second line blank and the system centres the writing in the
Press the button to assign to the macro (there must be no writings on such
The macro is assigned and the writing appears on the button; the process restarts
To set a macro
from a button, during a process, go through the following
Tap the bottom right corner of the display.
Press the “CANCEL MACRO” button
Press the button bound to the macro
The button is free and the process restarts.