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Quickly Modifying Data in Process
There are two ways to modify the process temporary data, accessing the
“MODIFY DATA” page or with MACROs, that is thanks to the available buttons in
the process pages properly customized.
2.11.1 Modifying Data
Press the “MODIFY DATA” button during a process to stop it. A grid is displayed
showing all the process characteristic data.
Such data are the fields marking PLUs out, together with the process progressive
In this page all displayed data can be modified, but NOMIN.WGT and CTRL
Once finished with the modifications, it is possible to make the new data
permanent pressing the button SAVE CHANGES: in this case the data are copied
“backwards” in the PLU giving origin to the process.
To resume the process, press the “START” button.
2.11.2 Macro
Similarly to a PLU data modification, it is also possible to record some macro
sequences for the quick modification of process fields.
In addition to the above instructions relevant to macros for PLUs, please not the
following as for processes:
The macro definition is carried out in the MODIFY DATA window, while it is
bound to a button (or cancelled) in the process window.
A reference must be entered in every field of a macro which can replace the
original field name during modification; moreover, it is possible to decide
whether the modification affecting the field when the macro is recalled shall
be permanent in the PLU originating it or keeps being temporary to it.
Interrupting a Process
A process can be interrupted any time pressing STOP; the instrument shows
again the home page.
It is possible to resume the same process after an interruption, or to start a
different one. There is no limit to the PLUs being processed at the same time.
Closing a Process
A process can be closed any time, that is deleting the PLU temporary copy and
get the machine ready to create a new process when the same PLU will be
processed at a later stage. This operation entails the zeroing of all the totals linked
to the process
and the automatic closing of the statistic lot
Follow the procedure below to close a process: