background image

• Bestway will not be responsible for damage caused to the pool due to mishandling or failure to follow these instructions.

• We strongly suggest to open the package and to assemble the pool when the environment temperature is above 15 

degrees; the PVC material of the liner will become more flexible and easier to assemble.

• Before connecting valve to the pool, fill the pool leaving 5 - 6 cm of space between the position of the connection valve 

and water surface.

• Never permanently install the connection valve before the water is within a few centimeters of them because the liner has 

to be properly taut from the pressure of the water.

• Be careful of any splinters or sharp edges when cutting the pool.

• Cutting more liner than necessary will damage and void the pool liner, so please trim with extra care.



• Do not leave pool unattended while filling with water.

• Fill the pool with water after all assembly steps are completed and until the water reaches 15 cm / 6" from to the top rail, 

which corresponds to 90% of the full capacity.

• Do not overfill as this could cause the pool to collapse. In case of heavy rainfall, we strongly recommend to reduce the 

water level to keep 90% of full capacity, to avoid overflowing of water.

• When the pool is completely filled, check that the distance between the water surface and the top of the rails is the same 

all around; in case it is different, it means that the floor is not level so we strongly recommend to draining the water and 

leveling the ground again.

• Keeping the pool full of water on uneven ground can cause burst of welding points and/or pool collapse, causing serious 

personal injury and/or damage to property.


If you do not adhere to the maintenance guidelines below, your health might be at risk, especially that of your children.


• Keeping your pool water clean and chemically balanced is necessary. Simply cleaning the filter cartridge is not enough 

for proper maintenance, we recommend you use pool chemicals to maintain water chemistry and chlorine or bromine 

tablets (do not use granules) with the chemical dispenser.

• Water quality will be directly related to frequency of use, number of users and overall maintenance of the pool. The water 

should be changed every 3 days if there is no chemical treatment being performed with the water. It is highly 

recommended to use tap water for filling to minimize the influence of unwanted content, such as minerals.

• We recommend to take a shower before using your pool, as cosmetic products, lotions, and other residues on the skin 

can quickly degrade water quality. To use the chemical dispenser, follow the instructions in the leaflet.

• If you do not adhere to the maintenance guidelines below, your health might be at risk, especially that of your children.

• Skim pool regularly to avoid settled dirt.

• Locate a bucket of water next to pool to clean users’ feet before entering pool.

• The chemical maintenance must be performed with Chemconnect or chemical floater; don't throw chemical products 

directly in the water, the chemical will deposit on the bottom and damage the material and discolor the PVC.

• Your purchased pool set may not include any of those dispensers; in this case you can purchase it by visiting our website or at the nearest pool dealer.

Chemical Tablets (Not Included):

• Remove the chemical dispenser from pool when the pool is in use.

• After performing chemical maintenance and before using the pool, use a test kit (not included) to test the water's 

chemical balance. We recommend maintaining your water's chemical balance as follows:


Water clarity
Colour of the water
Turbidity in FNU/NTU
Nitrate concentration above that of fill water in mg/l
Total organic carbon (TOC) in mg/l
Redox potential against Ag/AgCI 3,5 m KCl in mV
pH value
Free active chlorine (without cyanuric acid) in mg/l
Free chlorine used in combination with cyanuric acid in mg/l
Cyanuric acid in mg/l
Combined chlorine in mg/l

clear view of the pool bottom
no colour should be observed
max. 1,5 (preferably less than 0,5)
max. 20
max. 4,0
min. 650
6,8 to 7,6
0,3 to 1,5
1,0 to 3,0
max. 100
max. 0,5 (preferably close to 0,0 mg/l)

Summary of Contents for HYDRIUM

Page 1: vertrieben und in der Europ ischen Union vertreten von Prodotto distribuito e rappresentato nell Unione Europea da Bestway Europe S p a Via Resistenza 5 20098 San Giuliano Milanese Milano Italy Dis...

Page 2: supervision Safety equipment It is recommended to keep rescue equipment e g a ring buoy by the pool Keep a working phone and a list of emergency phone numbers near the pool Safe use of the pool...

Page 3: adequate drainage system to deal with overflow or to discharge the pool Ensure the pool side with the water inlet A and outlet B is located in the same direction of the power source where the filt...

Page 4: to maintain water chemistry and chlorine or bromine tablets do not use granules with the chemical dispenser Water quality will be directly related to frequency of use number of users and overall ma...

Page 5: ...on box to better protect the PVC material during the winter period REPAIR In the event of a leak patch your pool using the underwater adhesive repair patch provided You can find the instructions in FA...

Page 6: a Recomenda se que mantenha equipamento de resgate ex uma b ia em anel nas proximidades da piscina Mantenha um telefone funcional e uma lista de telefones de emerg ncia nas proximidades da piscina...

Page 7: ...ransbordamento ou para descarregar a piscina Certifique se que o lado da piscina com a entrada de gua A e a sa da B est localizada na mesma dire o da fonte de alimenta o onde o sistema de filtragem te...

Page 8: ...cina para manter a qu mica da gua e as pastilhas de cloro ou bromo n o utilize gr nulos com o dispensador de qu micos A qualidade da gua estar diretamente relacionada com a frequ ncia de utiliza o n m...

Page 9: ...piscina com gua da torneira para remover completamente qualquer res duo qu mico ou sujidade Deixe a piscina sob a luz solar at estar completamente seca Para remover completamente a gua restante limpe...

Page 10: ...cate ej salvavidas cerca de la piscina Tenga un tel fono activo y una lista de n meros de emergencia cerca de la piscina Uso seguro de la piscina Anime a todos los usuarios y especialmente a los ni os...

Page 11: ...a piscina Aseg rese de que el lado de la piscina con la entrada de agua A y la salida B est situado en la misma direcci n de la fuente de alimentaci n donde hay que conectar el sistema de filtrado La...

Page 12: ...ara piscinas para mantener la qu mica del agua y tabletas de cloro o bromo no utilice gr nulos con el dispensador de productos qu micos La calidad del agua estar directamente relacionada con la frecue...

Page 13: ...tamente los restos de agua limpie el revestimiento de la piscina con un pa o seco ALMACENAMIENTO Quite todos los accesorios aseg rese de que el revestimiento de la piscina la cubierta la bomba y los a...

Page 14: ...sring in der N he des Beckens aufzubewahren Ein funktionierendes Telefon und eine Liste von Notrufnummern werden in der N he des Schwimmbeckens aufbewahrt Sichere Nutzung des Schwimmbeckens S mtliche...

Page 15: die Poolseite mit den Anschl ssen A und B in Richtung der Stromquelle zeigt an welcher das Filtersystem angeschlossen wird Die gew hlte Oberfl che muss frei von jeglichen Gegenst nden sein Aufgrund...

Page 16: ...Chemikaliendosierer oder unseren Dosierschwimmern gleichm ig im gesamten Pool verteilt werden Die Wasserqualit t ist im gro en Ma e von der Nutzungsh ufigkeit Anzahl der Poolnutzer sowie dem Grad der...

Page 17: ...zur Anwendung des Reparaturflickens finden Sie in den FAQs im Hilfe Bereich unter www bestwaycorp com support ABBAU UND LAGERUNG Sch den am Pool welche auf den falschen Umgang mit Poolchemie sowie de...

Page 18: ...ev aikuisen valvontaa Turvalaitteisto Suosittelemme s ilytt m n pelastuslaitteistoa esim pelastusrengas altaalla Pid toimiva puhelin ja luettelo h t puhelinnumeroista l hell allasta Altaan turvallinen...

Page 19: ...en sis ntulo A ja ulostulo B on samassa suunnassa kuin virtal hde johon suodatusj rjestelm pit liitt Valitulla pinnalla ei saa olla mit n tavaroita Veden painon vuoksi altaan alla olevat esineet voisi...

Page 20: ...telijassa uima altaan veden puhdistamiseen tarkoitettuja kemikaaleja ja kloori ja bromitabletteja l k yt rakeita Altaan k ytt tiheys k ytt jien m r sek altaan huoltotoimet vaikuttavat suoraan vedenlaa...

Page 21: ...s altaaseen tulee vuoto paikkaa se k ytt m ll mukana toimitettua vedess k ytett v korjauspaikkaa Usein kysyttyj kysymyksi l ytyy verkkosivustomme tukiosiosta osoitteesta www bestwaycorp com support PU...

Page 22: ...ezicht door volwassenen Veiligheidsapparatuur Het is aanbevolen om reddingsapparatuur bijv een ring boei nabij het zwembad te hebben Houd ook een werkende telefoon en een lijst met noodnummers nabij h...

Page 23: ...wembad te klimmen Plaats het zwembad in de buurt van een geschikt afvoersysteem om overstroming op te vangen of om het zwembadwater af te voeren Zorg ervoor dat de zwembadzijde met de waterinlaat A en...

Page 24: ...erchemie te behouden en chloor of broomtabletten gebruik geen korrels met de chemicali ndispenser te gebruiken De waterkwaliteit is direct gerelateerd aan de gebruiksfrequentie het aantal gebruikers e...

Page 25: ...het zwembad af met een droge doek OPSLAG Verwijder alle accessoires zorg ervoor dat de zwembadvoering afdekking pomp en accessoires volledig schoon en droog zijn alvorens u ze opbergt Indien het zwemb...

Page 26: ...curezza Si raccomanda di tenere le attrezzature di sicurezza ad es galleggianti in prossimit della piscina Tenere un telefono funzionante e un elenco di numeri di emergenza vicino alla piscina Uso sic...

Page 27: ...tuali tracimazioni o nel caso la si debba svuotare Assicurarsi che il lato della piscina con l ingresso dell acqua A e l uscita B si trovi nella stessa direzione della presa di corrente alla quale ver...

Page 28: ...retto equilibrio chimico dell acqua in combinazione a compresse di cloro o bromo non utilizzare granuli erogate tramite apposito dispenser La qualit dell acqua sar direttamente correlata alla frequenz...

Page 29: ...le fino a quando non completamente asciutta Per rimuovere completamente l acqua residua passare un panno asciutto sul liner CONSERVAZIONE Rimuovere tutti gli accessori assicurarsi che il liner il telo...

Page 30: ...nce proximit du bassin S curit d emploi de la piscine Incitez tous les utilisateurs en particulier les enfants apprendre nager Apprenez les gestes qui sauvent r animation cardiopulmonaire et remettez...

Page 31: ...s de v g tation r sistante pourraient se d velopper travers le liner et cr er des fuites d eau L herbe ou toute autre v g tation susceptible de provoquer des odeurs ou de la boue doit tre limin e du l...

Page 32: ...s instructions de la notice Si vous ne respectez pas les consignes d entretien ci dessous votre sant peut tre mise en danger ainsi que celle de vos enfants cumez r guli rement la piscine pour viter le...

Page 33: ...res l int rieur d une bo te en carton pour mieux prot ger le mat riau PVC pendant la p riode hivernale R PARATION En cas de fuite colmatez votre piscine l aide du patch de r paration adh sif tanche fo...

Page 34: ...34 www bestwaycorp com support CPR 2M EL BESTWAY YOUTUBE bestwaycorp com support www bestwaycorp com s u p p o r t...

Page 35: ...5 35 bestwaycorp com support E E 2 5 2 3...

Page 36: ...BESTWAY 15 PVC 5 6 15 6 90 90 36 3 CHEMCONNECT PVC www bestwaycorp com FNU NTU mg l TOC mg l Ag AgCI 3 5 KCl mV pH mg l mg l mg l mg l 1 5 0 5 20 4 0 650 6 8 7 6 0 3 1 5 1 0 3 0 100 0 5 0 0 mg l...

Page 37: ...37 10 C 10 C 50 F 10 C 50 F 38 C 100 F PVC www bestwaycorp com support...

Page 38: ...38 www bestwaycorp com support X 2 RU Bestway YouTube bestwaycorp com support www b e s t w a y c o r p c o m s u p p o r t...

Page 39: ...5 39 bestwaycorp com support A B 2 3 2 5...

Page 40: ...Bestway 15 C 5 6 15 6 90 90 40 3 ChemConnect www bestwaycorp com FNU NTU Ag AgCI 3 5 KCl pH 1 5 0 5 20 4 0 650 6 8 7 6 0 3 1 5 1 0 3 0 100 0 5 0 0...

Page 41: ...41 10 C 10 C 50 F 10 C 50 F 38 C 100 F www bestwaycorp com support...

Page 42: ...rywy na basen lub podobne zabezpieczenia stanowi u yteczn pomoc ale nie zast puj sta ego i kompetentnego nadzoru przez doros ych Sprz t ratunkowy Zaleca si posiadanie sprz tu ratunkowego np ko a ratun...

Page 43: ...ia do basenu Ustaw basen w pobli u odpowiedniego systemu odwadniaj cego kt ry poradzi sobie z przepe nieniem lub opr nieniem basenu Upewnij si e strona basenu z wlotem wody A i wylotem B znajduje si w...

Page 44: ...utrzymania r wnowagi chemicznej wody oraz tabletek z chlorem lub bromem nie u ywaj granulatu za pomoc dozownika chemicznego Jako wody b dzie bezpo rednio zwi zana z cz stotliwo ci u ytkowania liczb u...

Page 45: ...wod z basenu sprawd lokalne przepisy dotycz ce odprowadzania wody CZYSZCZENIE Przep ucz nieck basenu wod z kranu aby ca kowicie usun pozosta o ci rodk w chemicznych i brudu Pozostaw basen na s o cu d...

Page 46: ...tos fel gyeletet Sprz t ratunkowy A medence mellett tan csos ment felszerel st pl ment v tartani Tartson m k d k pes telefont s a seg lyh v sz m list t a medence mellett A medence biztons gos haszn la...

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Page 48: ...lamint haszn ljon kl r vagy br mtablett kat ne granul tumot a vegyszeradagol ban A v zmin s g k zvetlen kapcsolatban ll a haszn lati gyakoris ggal a felhaszn l k sz m val s a medence sszkarbantart s v...

Page 49: ...onatot s az sszes tartoz kot egy kartondobozba hogy jobban v dje a PVC anyagot a t li id szakban JAV T S Sziv rg s eset n a mell kelt v z alatti ntapad s jav t tapasz seg ts g vel ragassza meg a meden...

Page 50: ...sutrustning ex livboj bredvid poolen F rvara en fungerande telefon och en lista p n dnummer bredvid poolen S ker anv ndning av poolen Uppmuntra alla anv ndarna framf rallt barnen att l ra sig att simm...

Page 51: ...att poolsidan med vatteninlopp A och utlopp B r placerade i samma riktning som str mk llan d r filtreringssystemet ska anslutas Underlaget m ste vara helt fritt fr n f rem l P grund av vattenvikten ka...

Page 52: ...och klor eller bromtabletter anv nd inte granulat med den kemiska dispensern Vattenkvaliteten kommer att vara direkt kopplad till anv ndningst thet antal anv ndare och allm nt underh ll av din pool Va...

Page 53: b ttre skydda PVC materialet under vinterperioden REPARATION I h ndelse av l cka kan du lappa din pool med den medf ljande lagningslappen f r anv ndning under vatten Du hittar instruktionerna i van...

Page 54: ...x2 x2 x22 x24 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x11 x12 x11 x12 x1 x1 x1 x1 x30 x30 x11 x12 x44 x48 x1 x1 x1 x1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15...

Page 55: ...55 0 1 2 3 11 13 8 13 8 0 5 1 cm 13 8 19 19...

Page 56: ...56 5 17 10 6 7 8 9 0 5 1 cm 08 A B A B 03 05 x28 2 1 09 4 8 cm 16...

Page 57: ...57 13 10 11 2 3 1 12 04 03 12 02 18 03 01 6 CM...

Page 58: ...58 14 16 17 5 6 cm 14 006 006 008 004 006 004 007 008 18 004 5 6 cm 007 004 20 15 19 15 5 6 cm 14 07 15...

Page 59: ...59 003 001 25 21 23 24 22 B A 004 005 009 07 010 003 001 B A C 010 003 001 15 cm 15 cm...

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