EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 81 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
Remarks on the Software
ETS plug-in system requirements:
Operating system:
Windows 9x, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP
ETS 2 v 1.2 a or later
Pentium I processor (or similar), 166 MHz, 32 MB or better recommended.
The alarm central unit can only be addressed or programmed via the bus by the ETS or the ETS plug-in in the "dis-
armed" and "fault" system states. If only one area of the alarm central unit is in a different state the alarm central
unit will discontinue the communication with the ETS and raise a sabotage alarm, if necessary. In such case, ac-
cess via the bus will be recorded in the event log.
The ETS will signal a fault during the programming process if the latter is interrupted by the alarm central unit:
"Communication set-up error. Please make sure that a device having such physical address exists.",
"Write operation error."
If one of these error messages is raised the alarm central unit is very likely to have interrupted the communication.
In this case, the system will be in a state which does not respond to the bus. Disarm the alarm system completely
(make an alarm reset, if necessary).
In the "disarmed" and "fault" states, you can programme the physical address, the entire application, or perform a
partial download of the parameters or group addresses. When choosing the suitable programming method, always
consider the programming flags ("Adr", "Prg", "Par", "Grp") in the ETS of the device you want to programme. The
green "Betrieb" (device ON) LED will be blinking during the programming process or also in the unprogrammed
If the ETS issues the following error messages:
"A telegram was corrupted when being sent or received. Repeat this function.",
there will be a communication problem with local bus coupling/the data interface. This error will not be caused by
the alarm central unit. To solve this problem you should make an application download using the ETS 2 v 1.3.
"Device comparison failed",
indicates an unsuccessful attempt to make a partial download into a device already programmed. In this connec-
tion, the ETS has figured out that the project data does not agree with the application data already programmed (e.
g. partial download of a later application into a device which has already been programmed with an earlier applica-
tion). In such case, you should start a complete application download.
ETS functions
The "Reading out the information into the device" or "Reading out the device memory" ETS functions are not possi-
ble for the alarm central unit.
Neither can you trigger the "Betrieb" (device ON) LED of the alarm central unit by the "Test/physical address" ETS
function. Such attempt will be aborted with the error message
"Cannot install external physical interface."
Executing the "Reduce database" ETS function will lead to project data corruption for the alarm central unit and
should be avoided under any circumstances.
Renaming any group addresses already created will not be possible from the ETS plug-in of the alarm central unit