EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 75 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
Alarm indicators alarm period
Flashlight ON period
Always ON
Defines the ON period of the flashlight in the
event of an alarm.
The flashlight will stay permanently activated
until a change into the "disarmed" state takes
The flashlight will stay activated for a certain
period only. You can define the ON period in
seconds. If there is a change into the "dis-
armed" state before this time has elapsed the
flashlight will be prematurely deactivated.
Flashlight ON period
2 to 254 s, 254
Defines the ON period of the flashlight for
time-limited activation. After this time has
elapsed, the flashlight will be deactivated.
If there is a change into the "disarmed" state
before this time has elapsed the flashlight will
be prematurely deactivated.
Only for "flashlight ON period" = "time-
Outdoor siren ON period
Always ON
Defines the ON period of the outdoor siren in
the event of an alarm.
The outdoor siren will stay permanently acti-
vated until the alarm is reset ("disarmed after
alarm" state).
The outdoor siren will stay activated for a
certain period only. You can define the ON
period in seconds.
If the alarm is reset before this time has
elapsed the outdoor siren will be prematurely
If is recommended to parameterize the "time-
limited" setting. In Germany, the maximum
period for external audible alarm indicators is
limited to 180 seconds. In hospital areas, for
example, such period may even be shortened
due to specific rules.
Outdoor siren ON period
2 to 254 s, 180
Defines the ON period of the outdoor siren for
time-limited activation. After this time has
elapsed, the outdoor siren will be deacti-
If the alarm is reset before this time has
elapsed the outdoor siren will be prematurely
Only for "outdoor siren ON period" = "time-