EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 51 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
Alarm indicators for remote alarming:
In the event of an alarm, it is possible to trigger alarm transmission devices (depending on the parameterization).
For this purpose, the following interfaces are available:
Contacts (terminals: "ÜG") in the alarm central unit:
ÜG-E activation:
Statically optional by the up to four arming areas (parameterizable) in case of an intruder
ÜG-F activation:
Static, always in case of a fire alarm.
ÜG-Ü activation:
Static, always in case of an attack alarm.
In addition and independent of alarming, the following signals can be generated or evaluated:
ÜG-S activation:
Static, in case of a mains voltage failure of > 60 minutes, a bus voltage failure,
a fault in the alarm transmission device, and in the event of an abortive heartbeat check
among the alarm central units (in dependence of the parameterization), and when some
overloading on the wired alarm indicator outputs is detected (the latter only being possible
in the "armed" state).
ÜG-S/U activation:
Static, when any arming area is being armed and disarmed;
armed = activated (LED is lit)/disarmed = deactivated (LED is not lit).
ÜG-R evaluation:
This terminal input will be evaluated by the alarm central unit.
An alarm transmission device will signal a device or transmission fault through this input.
In this case, the alarm central unit will issue an "ATD failure" 'global' fault message.
Alarm transmission device EIB objects:
"Intruder signal to the ATD" activation:
Static, optional by the up to four arming areas (parameterizable) in case of an intruder
alarm (intruder alarm = "1").
"Fire alarm" activation:
Static, always in case of a fire alarm.
"Attack alarm" activation:
Static, always in case of an attack alarm.
In addition and independent of alarming, the following EIB signals can be generated or evaluated:
"Fault signal to the ATD" activation:
Static, in case of a mains voltage failure of > 60 minutes, a fault in the alarm transmission
device, and in the event of an abortive heartbeat check among the alarm central units (in
dependence of the parameterization, and when some overloading on the wired alarm indi-
cator outputs is detected (the latter only being possible in the "armed" state).
"Armed/disarmed state signal to the ATD" activation:
Static, when any arming area is being armed and disarmed;
armed = activated (LED is lit)/disarmed = deactivated (LED is not lit).
"ATD checkback input fault" activation (in the "system monitoring" parameter branch):
Through this object, the alarm central unit can receive a fault signal from an EIB alarm
transmission device (fault = "1"). In this case, the alarm central unit will issue an "ATD fail-
ure" 'global' fault message.