EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 26 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
2. Editable Texts
From the ETS plug-in, you can assign an identification text to each of the four arming areas, the four safeguarding
areas, and to each integrated detector.
In this connection, a maximum of 160 independent texts is available for the identification of the detectors of the up to four
safeguarding areas as well as of the "fire detector" and "attack detector" areas so that you can give each of the detectors
integrated into the project a clear name. You can also identify the wired detector input. You can edit the detector texts in
the parameter branch of each detector, and such texts may have a maximum length of 14 characters. The texts will
already be taken over in the ETS plug-in in the parameter tree so that you can find individual detectors easier and
more quickly. Typical detector identifications can be
'liv.roomwindow' (living room window), 'kitchen motion' (kitchen
motion detector) or
'fr.doorgls.brk.' (front door glass breakage sensor), etc. For simplification, the ETS module always
suggests 20 different prepared detector texts which you can take over and extend up to a maximum of 14 characters.
As an alternative, you can directly enter any text per detector.
In addition to the detector texts, you can also give each arming area an identification. Such texts may also have a
maximum length of 14 characters and can be assigned to each arming area in the "arming" parameter branch. Typical
identifications of arming areas are
'outer shell', 'inner room', 'office', 'workshop', etc.
When the alarm central unit is running the names of the detectors and of the arming areas will be read out for clear
identification of the detectors or arming areas when being sampled in the display devices such as info display units.
These identifications will also be saved in the event log.
You can also assign an unambiguous identification text to each safeguarding area in the "detector/sabotage" parame-
ter branch or to each display item in the "display" parameter branch. Such text has no limited number of characters
and is solely displayed in the ETS plug-in.
3. Detector and Sabotage Inputs
3.1 Detector types
Detectors are components communicating via the bus or being wired up
(refer to "3.2 Connecting detec-
tors", page 28)
which keep under surveillance a part of the building and signal intrusion or an intrusion attempt to the
alarm central unit. Frequently used detectors include magnetic contacts, glass breakage sensors and motion detec-
tors. Attack and fire detectors, in general, also belong to such components.
Detector inputs may also be sabotage inputs whereby sabotage or fault signal contacts can be coupled by detectors
or arming devices (e. g. key-operated switches) integrated into the system. Even locking mechanism monitoring de-
vices such as interlock switch contacts are detectors which, however, only facilitate forced arming instead of raising
alarm. So, for example, an area can only be armed when the front door is locked, the interlock switch contact thus not
being active.
You can assign detectors to each of the maximum of four safeguarding areas as well as to the "fire detector" and
"attack detector" safeguarding areas. In this connection, the total maximum of 160 detector inputs available will be
freely linked to the safeguarding areas. The bottom left status bar of the ETS plug-in will always show the number of
detectors already connected and the number of inputs not connected yet.
The following table shows how you can configure the various detector inputs with the available input types.
Input Types
Safeguarding Areas
Detector **
Fire detector
Attack detector
Safeguarding area 1
Safeguarding area 2
Safeguarding area 3
Safeguarding area 4
Wired detector input *
Wired sabotage input
*: The wired detector input cannot be assigned to the "fire" or "attack" area.
**: For these input types, you can define the detector type (contact, motion, glass breakage).