EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 19 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
Functional Description
1. Configuring the Safeguarding/Arming Areas
1.1 Safeguarding areas (SA)
A safeguarding area is an area which safeguards certain building parts and individual rooms or façade areas, i. e.
keeps them under surveillance to detect intrusion or vandalism. Within such safeguarding areas, detectors which
can be connected together into groups, form the components which facilitate surveillance. Such detectors may be
both magnetic contacts on windows or doors, motion detectors on walls or indoor ceilings a smoke detectors or at-
tack pushbuttons. In this connection, the detectors can be connected to the EIB through suitable components or di-
rectly linked to the EIB
(refer to "3.2 Connecting detectors", page 28)
Safeguarding areas signalling, for example, intrusion contain magnetic contacts or motion detectors in most cases.
Such safeguarding areas can be activated or deactivated, i. e. armed or disarmed. Arming/disarming will be done by
the assigned arming areas. On the other hand, an "attack detector" safeguarding area is an area which will always
raise an alarm if an integrated attack detector has tripped, regardless of what the state of the system is.
A "fire detector" safeguarding area will also raise an alarm once an assigned fire detector has tripped. Thus, the "fire
detector" and "attack detector" areas are always ready for operation and need not be separately activated.
How an alarm will be raised, i. e. through what alarm indicators signalization will take place can be fixed by means
of the ETS while the alarm central unit is being configured.
1.2 Arming areas (AA)
Arming areas will arm or disarm the safeguarding areas assigned to them.
As a rule, one safeguarding area should be assigned to each arming area. It is, however, possible that several
safeguarding areas act on one arming area. When configuring the safeguarding areas with the ETS plug-in prior to
the start-up, you can define the way how the up to four safeguarding areas and the up to four arming areas should
correspond with one another (separate or nested arrangement).
1.3 Configurations
In the following, the 15 possible configurations will be shown.
Configuration 1 (always released):
1 x fire, 1 x attack,
e. g. smoke detector, attack pushbutton, etc.
In this configuration, the alarm central unit can be used for fire and attack alarms.
This configuration is always released, i. e. it always exists in parallel with any
other released configurations.
Please note the following if you have solely set configuration 1:
Resetting an alarm in this configuration will only be possible by the alarm reset option. For this reason, the alarm
reset option must have been included into this configuration. If you want to use an arming device for resetting you
will have to set configuration 2.X, with the "fire" and "attack" areas only being used (refer to "4.1 Arming devices"
and "4.2 Alarm reset").
Global fault signals (mains voltage failure, battery failure, ATD checkback contact fault, an abortive heartbeat
check between two alarm central units (if a missing telegram is to be evaluated in the same way as a fault), open-
ing of the sabotage contact or an interruption in the wired sabotage circuit) will cause alarm central unit faults in
this configuration. Such events will only be indicated by the display units (if parameterized) until they have been
eliminated. Therefore, they need not be acknowledged. In such case, no active alarm central unit fault signal will
be transmitted through the EIB object or the alarm transmission device.
- The wired detector input ("Melder" (wired detector) terminal) is deactivated in this configuration.