Translated user manual
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8.5 Chain maintenance (
http://www. berghortimotive.com/service/bsa-film
1. Remove the electrical supply plug.
2. Unscrew the locking nut (illustration 6)
3. Tension the chain by rotating the adjuster bolt (illustration 7)
4. Lock the adjuster bolt by tightening the locking nut (illustration 6)
Make sure the chain play is around 1 cm.
Figure 6: Unscrewing / tightening locking nut
Figure 7: Tensioning chain
8.6 Battery maintenance (
http://www. berghortimotive.com/service/bsa-film
Avoid the battery fluid coming into contact with skin, wear safety goggles and gloves as
battery acid is highly corrosive. Wash with soap and water if it comes into contact. If it comes
into contact with the eyes, immediately rinse in running water for a period of at least five
minutes and call for medical assistance. Always ensure there is sufficient soap and water in
the vicinity and that assistance is within calling distance when people have to work near
batteries. Avoid short circuits (sparks), and ensure that there is no electrical connection
between the battery poles. The battery cover should be in good condition. Bare patches or
dents could cause short circuits!
Explosive gas is released while batteries are being charged. Always stay well clear with
sparks, naked flames or cigarettes. Ensure that the place where batteries are charged and/or
stored is well ventilated. Ensure that no metal objects can fall on top of the batteries as this
could cause short circuits or sparks which could lead to an explosion.
Remove all personal objects including rings, bracelets, neck chains and wrist watches when
working within the vicinity of batteries. For example, a short circuit could melt a ring resulting
in serious burn injuries.
See also appendix 4 for further information about batteries and maintenance
8.7 Removing the battery cover
is fitted with a battery cover which can be removed via a single knob for the
purposes of cleaning and maintaining the batteries and other components