Translated user manual
page 22 of 45
7. Operating instructions
This chapter contains the instructions for operating the
should be operated by one person at a time, with a minimum age of 18 years,
and who is familiar and complies with the contents of this handbook. Special training is not
required, although experience with operating such machinery is required.
may only be operated once it has been placed entirely on the
pipe rail system.
Never exceed the maximum load capacity of the
which is given in
chapter 10: Specifications. Always remain on the working platform, raising the
platform using any objects is strictly forbidden!
may not be switched on when the protective covers are not
properly in place. Prior to switching on the
s, all protective covers must
be properly put back in place.
After use, the
should always we turned off with the earth switch, the
direction switch should be in the neutral position and the speed regulator knob
should be set at zero.
Only authorised, properly trained personnel of at least 18 years of age should
be allowed to operate the
. Personnel should be fully aware of the
directions and instructions contained in this handbook. Keep your wits about
you when using the
. Do not use the
if you are unable to
concentrate, or when using medicines which advise against operating
machinery or driving in traffic when being taken. It is also forbidden to use the
machine while under the influence of narcotics (alcohol or drugs).
All personnel working in the area of the
should be made familiar with
relevant safety rules and precautions that apply to it. The employer must
ensure that the personnel are fully aware of all the safety precautions that
must be taken.
Only use the
for the purposes for which it was designed. The
may only be used for maintaining crops in greenhouses. Never use the
machine on the public highway.
Using the
when it is tilting more than 2 degrees from the vertical
(lengthwise and/or crosswise) is strictly forbidden.
The maximum loading may consist of one person plus a secured moveable
load which together should not exceed 100 kg in weight.