fi res
Instructions for use and installation instructions
Wall-mounted outlet:
To avoid adverse effects
Distance: outlet - A, B or C
At walls in buildings with staggered
Not permitted if A, B, or C are located
above the outlet.
On a wall - general. (*)
Above the outlet:
>2 m
Below the outlet:
>0.75 m
Left and right of the outlet:
>0.75 m
At <1 m from the roof overhang.
>2 m
Beneath balconies, walkways etc.
>2 m from the underside of the
protruding balcony or walkway.
Beneath balconies, walkways
>2 m
etc. where the outlet extends to
the front.
To the garden or on the terrace.
>2 m to the outside space. (**)
With respect to a facing wall.
>2 m (if the distance from the facing
wall is less, the criteria detailed for
“On a wall - general” apply).
Enquire at your local gas company for the regulations relating to outlets
positioned opposite each other and outlet(s) in facade(s) that form an angle.
These minimum distances do not apply if there is an obstruction
between the outlet and A, B and C that protrudes at least 0.5 m from
the wall and has a length exceeding the distance.
This distance is not required if the outlet is situated at least 1 m
higher than the intended area of the outside space.
If the outlet has a clearance of less than 0.5 m from the hard surface of a public area at
a height of less than 2 m, it must be fi tted with an effective protector. The mesh size of
the guard must not affect the correct operation of the appliance.