21500 Rhythm Box
Music and rhythm can develop children’s percepti on and creati vity early on. Making music can have a positi ve infl uence on various diff erent abiliti es, for
instance it can have a lasti ng eff ect on cogniti ve and social competence.
Music is an important detail of the world we live in, whether on the radio, in the supermarket, at special events, or in television programmes – or when we sing
ourselves, for instance carols at Christmas.
Oft en, small children are not consciously aware of music and rhythm, but move to it “automati cally”. They love dancing – with grown-ups, too – and oft en sing
tunes that are played to them as soon as they are able to talk.
With our Music Set children can enjoy a playful approach to music, become aware of sounds, play rhythms and familiarise themselves with their fi rst musical
instruments. Experiencing music can be regarded as developing intelligence. It fosters a wide spectrum of competences in children and improves their concen-
trati on. From speech acquisiti on to spati al thinking and social competence – music can have a positi ve eff ect in all these areas. The 5 instrument types in our
selecti on invite children to experiment with music and try out interesti ng sound eff ects.
Descrip� on of the instruments
Our music set consists of high quality instruments which ideally fulfi l the requirements of kindergarten and will stand up very well to kindergarten use. The fi ve
diff erent instruments enable the children to produce sound combinati ons and also try out diff erent rhythms. Everything can be stored practi cally and safely in
the plasti c box. Let the children try out the instruments, or go through them one by one with the children. This will enable them to enjoy a fun approach to music.
Our selecti on of types of instruments is based on the teaching of music pedagogue Carl Orff . Car Orff regarded these instruments as being parti cularly suitable
for the musical educati on of children, as they do not require any previous knowledge or technical skills.
The tambourine can be played with fi ngers, the fl at of the hand, or sti cks. It can also be tapped (lighty!) against the knee or elbow, e.g. to
make sounds while dancing. If you are mainly focusing on the jingling sound, the tambourine can simply be shaken. A tambourine is very
good for marking the beat, for instance in gymnasti cs exercises.
Small drum
The small drum is held in one hand and played with the other. The hole in the outer edge of the drum makes it easy to hold with the thumb.
It is also possible to wedge it between the knees – then it can be played with both hands.
You can get the best sound by playing it with your fi ngerti ps. The small drum is especially good for learning simple rhythms.
The guiro is a hollow instrument for rhythmical music that was originally made from a calabash (bott le gourd). It is played with a tapering
wooden sti ck which is moved up and down over the instrument’s ridged surface. This produces a rasping sound which is oft en heard, for
instance in Central American music styles. The guiro can also be shaken and used as a ratt le, as it is fi lled with coarse granules. In this case
the wooden sti ck is not needed. The guiro is simply held in the hand and shaken vigorously up and down.
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23.10.2018 14:41:25