4.14 Services
4.14.3 HTTP
HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is internet protocol used for exchange of hyper-
text documents in HTML format. This protocol is used for accessing the web server used for
user’s configuration of the router. Recommended usage however is of HTTPS protocol, which
used encryption for secure exchange of transferred data. Configuration form of HTTP and
HTTPS service can be done in
configuration page under
menu item. By de-
fault, HTTP service is disabled and preferred is using of HTTPS service. For this default setting,
a request for communication with HTTP protocol is redirected to HTTPS protocol automatically.
Enable HTTP service
Enabling of HTTP service.
Enable HTTPS
Enabling of HTTPS service.
Session Timeout
Inactivity timeout when the session is closed.
Keep the current certificate
Left the current one certificate in the router.
Generate a new certificate
Generate a new self-signed certificate to the router.
Upload a new certificate
Upload custom PEM certificate, which can be signed by
Certificate Authority.
Choose a file with the PEM certificate.
Private Key
Choose a file with the certificate private key.
Table 44: Parameters for HTTP and HTTPS services configuration
Figure 47: Configuration of HTTP and HTTPS services
UM Configuration OWL LTE M12
Rel. 06.1.09 - 07/2019
Summary of Contents for Hirschmann OWL LTE M12
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