Configuring the XIP-3901-UC / -DC / -FS Applications
54 | XIP-3901
9.2.3 Deglitcher Tab
For each downconverter, select the appropriate deglitcher mode (ON or OFF) using the pulldown menu.
Figure 35
Deglitcher Tab
When the deglitcher is enabled, the card supports a hot switch between upstream signals without producing a
freeze on the frame sync, and without producing artifacts on the output.
The deglitcher must be disabled when the input is asynchronous to the reference. Otherwise, it will create audio
and video glitches at the output.
For this mode to function correctly, the following requirements must be met:
The two inputs must be synchronized to the reference
They must be phased within one line of each other
They must be phased to within ± ½ line of the HREF of the reference signal
The offset from the VREF can be variable, but a distance of greater than 10 lines could create an artifact in the
active video. If the two signals are more than one line apart, a vertical jump will occur at the moment of switching
that is proportional to the number of vertical lines of offset between the two signals. This will last for only one
frame. For more information about using clean switch regions to perform glitch-free switches, see 9.4 - Clean
Switch Regions and Examples.