Operating manual
5.5 PTO adjustments
5.5.1 Checking wear of PTO brake band linings
The external sign indicating the degree of
wear of PTO brake belt linings and the need
for adjustment operations is the size A (Fig.
5.5.1) between the upper point of the rod head
(2) and the cylinder cover (1).
Check the sizes when the diesel engine is
running and the synchronous — neutral —
independent shifter is in its neutral position.
To do this, run the diesel engine, first
engaging the parking brake and
blocking the rear wheel with wedges in front
and behind. Check the oil pressure in the PTO
control system. It must be 1 MPa min.
On an adjusted PTO, the size A must be:
• 66 ± 3 mm (PTO ON);
• 46 ± 3 mm (PTO OFF).
If the size A > 80 mm (PTO ON) and A <
32 mm (PTO OFF), as well as if the PTO
slips, adjust the band brake clearance.
1 — cylinder, 2 — rod, 3 — lever.
Fig. 5.5.1 — Checking wear of PTO brake band linings
5.5.2 Adjusting clearance in PTO belt brakes
Attention: Adjust the PTO belt brake
clearance only in a special workshop.
Adjust the clearance in the PTO belt
brakes as follows:
- shift the lever (1) (Fig. 5.5.2) to its
neutral position, aligning the holes in the
lever and the rear axle housing with an 8 mm
rod or a M10×60 bolt (2);
- remove the cotter pin and remove the
locking plate (8);
- screw the adjusting bolts (6) to a torque of
8 to 10 N·m and then then unscrew by two
turns (access the bolts through a hatch in the
rear axle cover), after that screw the bolts to the
nearest side so that the bolt heads were parallel
to the longitudinal axis of the tractor;
- with a properly adjusted PTO, the
extension of the rod (7) relative to the cylinder
body cover (the size A, Fig. 5.5.1) with a
running diesel engine must be:
a) in the position “PTO off” (stock
retracted) — from 43 to 49 mm;
b) in the position “PTO on” (stock
extended) — from 63 to 69 mm;