Operating manual
9.1 General instructions
Tractors must be stored according to the
recommendations of GOST 7751-85 indoors
or under shed.
If no closed premise is available, it is
allowable to store the tractor on open
equipped yards with mandatory execution of
works for preservation, sealing and removal of
parts that require warehousing.
Put the tractor to storage as follows: inter-
shift — for a break in tractor operation for up
to 10 days, short-time — from 10 days to two
months, and long-term — if a break in
operation is over two months. Prepare the
tractor to short-term storage immediately after
completion of works, to long-time storage —
no later than in 10 days after completion of
works. Before putting to storage, carry out
checks of the condition of the tractor. The
tractor must undergo the next scheduled
Maintenance of the tractor during
preparation to long-time storage includes:
- cleaning and washing;
- removing from the tractor and preparing
to storage of parts that must be stored in
specially designed warehouses;
- sealing holes, cavities from moisture,
- preservation of the tractor, its parts;
- installing tractors on supports (pads).
After operation, clean the tractor of dust,
dirt, oil leaks, plant and other remains. Protect
parts that must not be subject to contact with
water (alternators, relay switches, etc.) with
protective covers. After cleaning and washing,
blow the tractors with compressed air to
remove moisture. Restore damaged paint by
applying paint or varnish, or a protective
Paint as per GOST 6572-91.
For long-time storage of the tractors on open
yards, remove, prepare for storage and send to
warehouse electrical equipment, parts from
rubber, plastics, textile (hydraulic hoses, etc.),
tools. Install the fasteners of the removable
parts of the tractor to their respective places.
Clean and blow round with compressed air the
electric equipment (headlights, alternator,
starter, storage batteries), cover the terminals
with protective lubricant.
When preparing the tractor to long-term
storage, clean of scum and flush the engine
cooling system, lubricate all tractor units
according to the lubrication table. Drain oil and
refill with fresh oil adding an additive to the
desired oil volume up to the control level in the
engine crankcase, air cleaner tray, gearbox, and
front and rear axle housings, wheel reducer,
intermediate support, hydraulic system oil tank.
Run in the tractor for 10-15 minutes. Drain the
coolant from the cooling system, heating system
and cab air cooling system. Drain the fuel from
the fuel system, rinse the inner surfaces of tanks
with inhibitor lubricant and tightly close the
filler neck. Preserve the fuel system and engine
cylinders with a preservation mixture. Put the
storage batteries place after a checking and
conditioning cycle in accordance with GOST
9590-76. Preserve open joints, screw and
threaded connections of the hitch mechanism,
steering linkage, splined surfaces of PTO shaft
end driveshafts, projecting parts of cylinder rods
and shock absorbers, mechanisms for
adjustment of front and rear track. Tightly close
the fuel tank filler neck, holes of engine
breathers, transmissions, hydraulic systems,
engine exhaust pipe and air cleaner inlet pipe,
respective holes after removing starter, and
other cavities through which precipitation may
fall in the internal cavities of units and subunits
of the tractor, with covers, bags made of
polyethylene film or other special devices. Put
the control levers and pedals to position
excluding spontaneous engagement of tractor
units and assemblies.