SN AD012G 16/Ago/19
Methane 10:10
Sensor 29 Exp.
15,0% LEL
Home screen
In the normal operating state of the control unit, the display shows the following information:
a) Serial number
b) Current date and time
c) Type of gas of the sensor is reading
d) Current sensor reading “address” from n° 1 to n° 32.
If in the reserved addresses (31-32) is connected to a CARD-TX4R it will be read Card-TX4R 31-32).
The operating range of each sensor, 20% or the 100% of LEL, this happens directly from the sensors DIP2
N.B. The change of each sensor is carried out every 8 seconds.
1) To accelerate the display of the sensors, press the buttons right and left.
2) To lock or unlock the sequence of sensors, and analyse the functioning of a specific sensor, press “ENTER”.
the display shows a key symbol.
e) Display of the percentage of L.E.L. or ppm detected by the sensor, and the graphic of the gas quantity that
the sensor is detecting.
Setting the control unit
To access the BXI32 setting program you should press the
“ENTER” button for 4 seconds.
The program provides to enter a password
La “Password” di fabbrica è 1-2-3-4.
The Password can be changed by accessing to "Advanced
Functions" program under "General Functions".
Move with the left button above the required number, and
press "ENTER", every asterisk will turn on every number,
until all four asterisks are switched on.
If the PassWord is correct it reads "Accepted Password"
If you enter the wrong code you read "Wrong Password",
repeat the entry.
N-B. after three wrongs attempts the control panel comes
out of the insertion
enter password
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* * * *
password accepted
Selecting Functions
Select the desired function with the "UP" and "DOWN"
When selected, press "ENTER"
Press "End" to come out menu
Time setting
Inputs setting
General functions
Page 5
Date and time setting
26/Set/2017 15:10
To set the date and time proceed as follows:
1) Navigate with the right and left buttons above the day,
month, and year, hour, and minute.
2) Select with the ENTER button to find the day,
month or year, hour, minute, desired
N.B. In case of lack electric, the control unit does not lose
the stored data.
In case the internal battery is exhausted, it will appear at
startup or reset of BXI32 the written: “Err. bat. orologio”
END: to exit the program, select:
“the return arrow”.