Page 14
Installation and Positioning of the Control Unit
The BXI32 control unit belongs to group II and must be installed in a safe zone;
Outside the NO ATEX zone,
and in any case not in boiler rooms or engine room.
The control unit must be accessible and visible to the user.
The BXI32 has an DIN rail Omega enclosure and is a device suitable for mounting on cabinet and has IP20
protection. powered at 15 VDC
During installation the normal precautions required for electronic devices should be required and therefore:
- Install the equipment away from excessive heat sources.
- Do not allow liquids in contact with the control unit, remembering that its external structure not mounted
has IP20 degree of protection, if installed on Boxed version (cabinet) it takes the box protection degree
The GAS sensors connected to this equipment are of many types and must be positioned at different heights
depending on the type of gas to be detected.
These heights are:
- 30 cm. from the lowest point of the floor to detect
heavy gases (L.P.G. etc.)
- 30 cm. from the highest point of the ceiling to detect
light gases (Methane etc)
- 160 cm. from the lowest point of the floor to detect
volatile gases (CO etc.)
The sensors must be selected with a degree of IP protection depending on the area to be
monitored (Kitchens, Boiler rooms, Laboratory, etc.).
choosing one of the Beinat's sensors ranging from IP30 to ATEX. vedi pagina 3
Sensors installation and positioning
30 cm. Light Gas
30 cm. Heavy Gas
Average Height Volatile Gas
It is important to remember that remote sensors should be installed, bearing in mind that:
1) The sensors should not be placed near the appliances to be controlled (boilers, burners, industrial
kitchens, etc.) but on the opposite side.
2) The sensors should not be affected by smoke, vapour, and moving air, as they could distort their
3) The sensors should not be placed near sources of heat, ventilators or fans.
Note:It should be noted that the internal GAS sensors of the probe are perishable components with a
variable average life span from 5 to 6 years (you can request the relative table). Therefore, after this
period of time has elapsed it is advisable to replace them.
Maintenan ce
The user periodically (every 6 months), must perform a functional test of the detection system by spraying
appropriate test gas towards sensor connected to the BXI32 until to obtain the control unit alarm state.
a) The control of operation and maintenance must be carried at least once a year by specialized
b) The disposal of the sensors after 5 years from installation must be performed by specialized technician.